Monday, December 21, 2009

We Will Not Be Silenced

As the Holidays and 2009 come to a close, we should take stock in our lives,our family and our everyday decisions.We should ask ourselves was 2009 what we hoped,and what do we hope to gain in 2010? As our Country is headed for some trying times,I can only hope that people remember what really is important with them, as well as their families.We have become a Country of entitlement, and laziness, sorry, but that is the truth.Our parents, and their parents before them,worked hard and provided for their families,and didn't ask for a handout. They did what had to be done to put food on the table.They worked one job or many,just to do what was expected of them,taking care of ones own family. They didn't believe it was the governments responsibility,but their own. Our parents and grandparents took pride in their families,not in the materialistic sense as you see today,but a sense of pride in the family they were raising. Their priorities was making sure there was food on the table,and their kids had a warm coat to wear.They were not stuck on a brand label,or the new in thing to wear. What was important was, is it clean and does it fit?They were smart enough not to succumb to others telling them what they should or should not wear.I remember my Father asking me why we he should pay to advertise someone else goods,he thought they should pay him if they wanted their goods worn.Needless to say, I didn't get what I asked for.Today parents are preoccupied on buying their kids "things" than parenting.If parents spent the same amount of time with their children,as they do in searching for the new "in item", I believe so many families wouldn't be so dysfunctional.Today parents can't think for themselves,they let outside outlets dictate whether or not they are a good parents. It doesn't make you a good parent to buy a PS3 or X-box,but it does make you a bad parent if your child isn't doing his/her best in school and you still reward them.It doesn't make you a good parent to buy the newest fashion item,but it does make you a bad parent when your child doesn't respect herself or her parents.Parents today need to take full responsibility for their children they bring into this world,that is the most important job they could have.Their job is to raise well adjusted functioning human beings.A parents job is to make sure their child goes and finishes school,and if they fall behind,a parents duty is find the tools that will help them.But somewhere along the way,parents no longer feel that way. They think it is the job of teachers and society to form their child,sorry,society didn't bring that child here,you did.I have witnessed parents buying things just so they didn't have to deal with their parental duties.These same parents think buying their kids whatever they want,makes them a good parent. Sorry,it not only makes you a bad parent,but a lazy one also. What have they taught their kids by these actions? You can get whatever you want,and you don't have to work for it.Why should a kid do good in school, or not act up after school, when they know they will be rewarded for doing nothing.And that is where we are at today,people believe they are entitled and someone else should pay.

I am 47 years old, and I can not believe how times have changed since I was a kid. I loved Christmas time, and all its beauty,the trees,ornaments and the lights.I especially loved when neighborhoods of houses would decorate with all their festive lighting.How beautiful and magical it looked.I remember going to visit Santa, and telling him what I wanted. Then as an adult taking my nieces Dana and Michele also to see Santa, and looking at the beautiful Christmas windows at Marshall Fields.What wonderful memories they were,but I also remember hearing Merry Christmas in and out of the stores.There was nothing wrong or PC about saying it,it was that time of year,and the right thing to say. Now we live in a PC world, and it doesn't matter that the majority of Americans believe in Christmas,but the PC police want us to say "Happy Holidays".I am sorry it is Merry Christmas, and to my wonderful Jewish friends,Happy Hanukkah.This is what is wrong with society,people want to nit pick on things that make the majority of us happy,and start a fake debate that my happiness makes someone else uneasy.We are a large Country,with all kinds of likes and dislikes, and like our parents before us,learn to get along.Now a poll was just taken, and it said 93% of the Country believed in God . Isn't that wonderful? I think so,but the 7% that don't,want to change the rules for everyone.Have you noticed over the years, little by little they are trying to take God out of our lives?Yes we prospered as a Nation, but the morals and humanity of people have fallen dramatically. I wish I was an adult in the 50's or 60's,how simple life seemed.People appreciated what they had, and didn't take the simple things for granted, as we do today. There was more of a family structure then, were as now, families just seem to pass in the night.I want to live in the 50's-60's but with today's technology of the Internet.Having this magnificent tool at my finger tips is truly remarkable.I was not into social networking,but during the election I gave it a whirl to see what it was like,and there is no turning back now.I have met so many like minded people like myself, who love this Country,two in particular,Cynthia from Ohio, and Jeff from Washington, I think of them as my Internet Angels.These are just two of many who are trying to keep others informed on what is happening around us. At first I thought we were a silent minority,but come to find out,far from a minority, more like ,we have become the majority.It is a good thing we have other outlets from where we get our news, and that we are not dependent only on the mainstream media,who lately seem more like state run media.To the 7% out there,God Bless the Internet.I know the 7% have their panties in a knot now, trying to figure why I said that. Well,I thank God everyday for the blessings He has given me,and in one of those blessing was being introduced to the Internet,where I have come to blog about our Country,and the direction I feel we are headed.

I would like to take this to time wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.We might have lost this round of the Health Care Bill,but we will win the war on saving our Country from these elitist politicians who put their agenda a head of the Country.They have awoken the sleeping giant,or let the Jeannie out of the bottle,or whatever you want to call it.The year 2010 is going to go down as the year of the American people. We are going to vote out those politicians,both Republicans and Democrats, the same politicians who have treated the Constitution like a piece of trash,and forgot the representation we were looking for, was not how fast they can line their pockets with bribes.We have had it with Chicago style politics,where it is their way or the highway. We are through with the secret backroom deals,especially when this President campaigned on transparency,but then again he is a Chicago politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth.We are through with the bullying, and the thuggery that is taken place in Washington right now.This administration is forcing Senators and Congressman to further this White House's agenda,even though it isn't what their constituents want.We are going to get the word out about what really is going on in Washington. We will be emailing,face booking,twittering, phone calls, and mailings. The word will get out, and the American people will know the talking points that the White House is spewing,is only words with NOTHING to back it up.So after we clean houses in 2010,next stop is changing the Obama's address back to Chicago.

So again,Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. May God Bless each and everyone of you and your families.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Domestic Terrorst from our own Government?

What has happened to the elected officials we send to Washington?Do they loose compassion for the human race when they breathe that Washington air? Did they forget their job is to represent the people, and not to advance their own agenda? I am sorry to report this what has happened. There is a community in Huron California, right now unemployment is at 40% because our government shut the water off to this community, are you ready for this, to save the Delta Smelt. I am not lying, I wish I was.Our government has ruled that the fish are more important than the people and the land in this community.This area was called the Bread Basket of the World, because they are the capitol of the world for,cantaloupe,almonds,artichokes,strawberries,and olives. These products,one or more are in our households, they feed our families ,yet the government still believe that the smelt is more viable then the people and their livelihoods. Thousands of people are standing in food lines for hours, so they can put food on the table, remember no fault of their own, but the fault of environmentalist, and our government.How could this happen, in this day in age?A farmer, Mr. Soto said,"we did everything right, we don't want a hand out, we just want the government to turn the water back on".Why are the politicians so concerned about giving illegal aliens health-care, but turning their back on legal immigrants who just want to work and support their families?Where are the politicians that want to be front in center on camera for the illegals, but are nowhere to be found for citizens that want to pull their own weight?There is half a million acres of land that has been idle due to the draught,and farms that have been in families for generation are threatened to be gone.How is this happening in America? You expect this from a third world country, but not America. Are we not home of the free, and land of opportunity? So I thought.Why has Nancy Pelosi,Speaker of the House,refused 6 times to bring this measure to the House Floor?People are starving, and loosing their livelihood and this isn't important? But admonishing Joe Wilson for yelling,"you lie", is? Where are her priorities? What about our President, where is he? Fifty two Mayors in the surrounding area have sent a letter to the President to explain the dire straits this community is in, and still no water. Is this the Hope he was talking about, because if it is, we are doomed.The Liberals and the environmentalist have for 10 years trying to turn this area into a desert.The government ruled on on June 6,2009 that delivering water to these farms will hurt the whales.For Gods sake, what about the people? What has happened to the people of this Country, when we don't value life, it is the greatest gift from God, we should treasure it, not hurt it.Last night in Washington,the Hispanic Caucus Gala took place. I just read about all the power and glitz,Mark Anthony,J-Lo,John Leguizamo,Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer, to name a few. All I can say, is SHAME ON YOU!! There are people in Huron, California who are suffering, yet they are living it up in Washington.President Obama, said,"Our destiny is shared,we are all Americans". Yeah, then who are the people in California? You see, it takes something like this to show politicians and others their true colors. President Obama, other politicians and some celebrities, are elitist like I have said before. They don't care about you and I, unless there is a camera around, and sorry to say, if they have anything to gain from the situation.My God, how does the President has no face, standing in front of the Hispanic Caucus Gala, knowing full well he cut off water to a largely Hispanic community, and taking away their livelihood for a smelt.Does this man think, he can actually walk on water, and do whatever he chooses with no repercussions? This is beyond shameful. This is unacceptable behavior from the President of the United States.Is there a bigger picture in the plan here?Last night the ex-mayor of that community was on,Mr. Autry,he believes the government is killing the farming community, so they can start up their solar farm.I hope this isn't true, but reprehensible would be a under statement if it is. We have to take into account this green movement that they are shoving down our throats.Their energy bill mandates what kind of bulbs, windows, insulation, heating, air conditioning, and energy consumption we will use. They keep telling us we should be off of foreign oil, but won't allow drilling here, but as of today we are getting more oil from Countries that just want to harm us.If we allow the government to control the most fertile ground in this country, that grows are food, where will it stop? Are we going to import are fruits and vegetables like oil? The toys that are imported,that are children play with, are not safe. Why would that be any different with our food?When is the government control over our lives going to stop? What community will they go after next? When you have someone like Cass Sunstein in this government, who believes animals should have more rights than humans,what chance do we have? I will tell you. We are AMERICANS!! We will stand up and be heard, and yes they will hear us. This is our Country also. Remember, the politicians as well as our President is a servant to us? We will not be, today or ever, be a servant to the politicians. So please call Washington, and DEMAND they turn the water back on in Huron California, 202-456-1414. If we don't stop them here,what area of our lives will they go after next?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

He Lied,Enough Said!

Can someone please explain to me the thinking of our politicians? Because I truly believe they don't think. They are all about grand standing.They all play these ridiculous games, all the while our Republic is spinning out of control.Yesterday, all day on television the politicians were talking how they wanted to admonish Joe Wilson on the House floor, for his out burst at President Obama during is State of the Union speech. Don't get me wrong,he shouldn't of yelled,"you lie", or anything for that matter.I understand is frustration,because I felt the same as I was listening to him speak. He apologized to the President, and the President accepted his apology. That should of been the end of it, but no,they wanted to make Joe Wilson grovel. With these childish antics you would think there wasn't anything going on in our Country,or no pressing issues.What they should of been doing is proposing legislation in stopping ACORN from getting anymore funding. ACORN has so far received 54 million dollars since 1994, and they are schedule to receive 8.5 billion dollars more,yes that is billions with a "b". There are at least 17 state probes going on as of today, not counting the four videos that were released recently.We have to ask ourselves, why Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has refused 6 times to bring legislation to the floor to investigate or stop funding to ACORN? Common sense tell us, that either she is in bed with this corrupt organization,covering for someone else,or both. My money is on both.It doesn't take someone with a law degree to figure this out, but the elitist politicians want us to believe they know what is best for us, so in that instance as usual, we end up with the short end of the stick.If the house wants to admonish someone, why don't they start first with Charlie Rangel (NY), and John Murtha (PA).Charlie Rangel "forget to claim money on a rental unit", forgot, try using that excuse with the IRS, see what they tell you. But the kicker here is, Charlie Rangel is on Committee that writes the tax laws,in his defense maybe he was in the bathroom when they wrote that law.This Congressman from New York, thinks the American public is not paying enough in taxes, and believes we should pay more.What does he care, he doesn't pay his, and no one is forcing him either? Now John Murtha has a good idea, he likes pay for play deal. Give Murtha a big donation, and he will award a nice contract to you. Maybe he has something there! How about we only pay our elected officials on the work they actually do on our behalf? Do you think then they would be wasting our time with amendments admonishing Joe Wilson or any other trivia things? Probably not.Yesterday, before the admonish vote,they brought up under section 370,get this:In the House,your not allowed,ready for this, To Call the President a Liar,Hypocrite,Cowardly,Intellectually Dishonest,Giving Aid & Comfort to the Enemy, and my favorite,but don't quite understand why:Alleged Sexual Misconduct on the Presidents Part. What the heck is that? People are loosing their jobs and homes everyday, and this is what our elected officials are doing in Washington?Where is the same hysteria about saying to the President "you lie", then for the radicals that are surrounding the President? Its like all smoke screens and mirrors. Just remember, they are mad for calling the President out,but ignoring the fact that the President did, I will say it,lied.The President talks a great game, I will give him that,but if you talk about something, at least read what you are talking about.The President and most politicians have no idea what is in the health-care bill,because they DID NOT WRITE IT. The lobbyist and SEIU (union) wrote the bill, and just informed the politicians what is inside.Do you know who read the bill? The American people read the bill, in particular seniors. That is why we know what is in store for us, and that the majority of Americans watching the speech felt the same as Joe Wilson. He said what all of us were saying in our homes, on our couches, but the President only heard Joe Wilson. Now because we disagree with the President, it can't be the policies,but race? Please give me a break.How many times are we going to use the race card? Enough is enough. No one cares if the President is black,white,brown,yellow, or purple with pink polka dots. We are saying we are unhappy with this bill, no more like terrified, and we are voicing our opinion. It really makes me crazy when President Jimmy Carter,who I believe is the WORST president in history,says the out burst from Joe Wilson was "based on racism".This is the same knucklehead who left us with double digits unemployment, and interest rates in the twenties.Please, give me a break. What about the other ding a ling,Rep. Hank Johnson said if we don't admonish Joe Wilson," if we don't censure Joe Wilson, the KKK will ride through the countryside". Who are the people who elected this man? Hello, the American public elected a black man, well half black,but whatever. So let me be clear, if anyone disagrees with President Obama, it is because he is black,and not his policies? Give me a friggin break, and please get your head out of your ass and get back to reality.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What the Hell Is Going on In the White House?

Can you please tell me what is going on with our government? Why do we elect Congressman and Senators anyhow? Exactly what are their duties? They campaign on false promises. They only care about themselves, and how to advance their own agenda. Each and everyone of the sitting Congressman and Senators who are up for election in 2010, need to go. I don't care if they are a Republican or a Democrat they need to be kicked out.They have failed their constituents, but more importantly they have failed America.They all took an oath, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to protect their fellow Republicans and Democrats. My question is, why is this? The Constitution is being shredded on a daily basis. It has only been 242 days, and the changes that are being implemented and the people surrounding our President are making my head spin.Why are the politicians silent?Why is the media silent?These are very important questions, and no one seems to want to answer them.What is going on in the White House? Why would they want someone like Van Jones? He is the Green Jobs Special assistant to the President, a self avowed Communist.He says white environmentalist are steering poison into the minority neighborhoods, and that whites are spraying toxins on immigrants working in the field.This is just a tip of this man, a man that Valerie Jarrett said was happy to bring into the White House.What about Cass Sunstein? He is the Regulatory Czar, Chicago boy,he says hunting should be outlawed,pets should be able to sue,and that we should have population laws.John Holdren, Science Czar. He believes in compulsory abortions, and sterilization of woman.Mark Lloyd,FCC Diversity Czar.He authored a book,Prologue to A Farce. Here is a quote from HIS book,"my focus here is not freedom of speech or press, this freedom is all to often an exaggeration ...... blind references to freedom of speech or press." EXAGGERATION! Excuse me, freedom of speech is our right, guaranteed under our Constitution!! But I guess Mark Lloyd who doesn't believe in the First Amendment, has now been hired by our President to overlook what is going on the airwaves.Can this get any goofier? There are at least three dozen Czars in the White House, and the thing you have to remember about Czars, they only answer to the President.They didn't have to go through the Senate, and they also bypassed a FBI vetting.These people were hired this way, because this administration KNEW they would never get through with all their baggage.Where is that transparency that Obama talked about all through the campaign?Why isn't the media holding his feet to the fire?Maybe, because they have been in bed with him from the beginning, they are afraid of the answers.What do you think about Harold Koh? Another friend from Harvard,he was hired to work in the State Department. He thinks, get this, we should follow Sharia Law in some cases. Are you kidding me? We are American. This is America, use American Law, not foreign law.So again, I ask, where are our elected officials, on both sides of the aisle? I hold them all accountable.Why are they not demanding how much are these Czars are getting paid, what are their exact duties, where are their offices, and who works in their offices.Logical questions, right? So why isn't anyone asking? So again I ask, what are the duties of our elected officials? We know they didn't write the stimulus bill, because Unions,lobbyist, and the Apollo Alliance group did.And guess who is on the board of the Apollo Alliance, and who also was instrumental in the writing of the stimulus bill,Jeffrey Carl Jones.Who is that, you ask, well he was co-founders with William Ayers with the Weather Underground Group. This group is responsible for bombings in New York and also the Pentagon.Why is our President, surrounding himself with people that are Communist,Marxist, and Socialist? What is he building? What did candidate Obama mean on October 30,2008, when he said,"we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."You have to ask yourself, does President Obama hate this Country? We all hope he doesn't, but isn't logical to ask, if he does love this great Country, why then does he surround himself with individuals who hate America and want to change it fundamentally? Isn't this the same Country where Barack Obama grew up? He attended Harvard and Columbia Colleges,lives in a mansion,was elected State Senator,Senator, and now President Of the United States? Yeah, it is, so you have to ask yourself, why would President Obama want to change a Country that has been so very good to him? And if he doesn't, again, why does he surround himself with individuals who are Communist,Marxist and Socialist and want to change the America we know and love?Wake up people,remember we are not servants of our government, they are servants to us.Call Washington and demand they answer your questions.We deserve to be heard.If we do nothing,the Country we all know and love will forever be transformed.It is our responsibility, no, its our duty to save the Republic, because our elected officials have turned their backs on us and the Constitution.So please call, and ask why our President is surrounding himself with Marxist,Communist and Socialist. Here are the numbers:202-456-1414/202-225-3121.......Don't believe me, Google the names of the people in this White House and see for yourself. God help us all, and God Bless the United States of America.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Disingenuous Chairman

Let me first begin with that I always liked Michael Steele, and I respected him.I thought he was a good choice for Chairman of the Republican party.I thought he was about change to the party, not the same change Obama campaigned on, thankfully.Change about bringing everyone into the party, not just the old boy network. He must be one heck of a politician, because he even had me buffaloed. He talks a good game, but don't they all? I should of known when he was talking on both sides of his mouth about Rush. I didn't put much stock in it at the time, and that was my mistake.But this past Monday, after hearing him on the radio, I have come to the conclusion, the old boy network is still working full force. How disappointing and more importantly disingenuous.Here in Illinois we have a Senate seat up for election in 2010, and the Republicans for the first time in a long time have a shot to get a Republican in there. These are trying times in our Country, and we need to be represented by someone who will represent us, and not for their own political gain.Our primary is February 2,2010, yet the Chairman said on the radio Monday that the party will come out in full force for Mark Kirk.He hasn't won the primary yet, or has he?Something doesn't smell right here in the state of Illinois, and I am looking for answers.Let me just tell you, Kirk isn't the only candidate, but I guess that is what my party wants us to believe. There are at lease 2 other candidates, Eric Wallace and Patrick Hughes, either one is a better choice than Kirk.Now, since I heard Michael Steele talk on Monday, I have been appalled with him and the Republican Party.I feel as an American citizen of this great Country they are taking away my most precious gift, the right to vote.If by chance Kirk is the Republican candidate, I want to be assured he won that process fairly, but not in a calculated way. Don't you think the other candidates are entitled to the same assurance, and more importantly the people of Illinois?When the Chairman of the Republican Party goes on TV and criticizes the Democrats pulling the wool over the American peoples eyes, exactly how does he explain what he is doing to the people of Illinois?I feel as a citizen of Illinois, and very concerned who will be my next Senator, I felt it was my duty to ask the Chairman himself. So I called Washington over and over again till I got a person, not an voice mail. I gave him my name, where in turn, he did not give his. I explained my displeasure in the Chairman with the whole radio conversation. He explained that Michael Steele feels that Mark Kirk is the best choice to win in Illinois.I said, well the people of Illinois feel differently,particularly since he voted YES to cap&trade.I told him about the outrage on the Internet against Kirk, and the talk at tea parties is that we WON"T vote for Kirk no matter what.I also explained to him, that before the cap&trade vote, we flooded his offices here and in Washington with calls, and the true politician he is,he voted against the peoples wishes.He voted for a bill he DIDN'T even read, and if this bill passes in the Senate, the people of Illinois will pay for his mistake.So I ask Michael Steele, and the rest of the Republican leadership,how can you assure the other candidates and the people of Illinois a fair campaign and election? How is this going to be fair to the other candidates, that the full force of the Republican Party, with their unlimited money and foot soldiers will be out against them? Please let democracy work. Let the people of Illinois decide who they want to represent them, not a backroom deal.If Kirk happens to win the primary fairly, then so be it. Then, and only then should the party get behind the nominee.Democracy does work, if you will just give it a chance.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No Asrto Turf Here,Just an American Citizen.

What is wrong with our politicians? Do they really think we are stupid? We might of been guilty at one time of not being to interested in politics,but stupid? No, I would save that branding for people like Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid, and my hometown favorite Dick Durbin.You know they have been in Washington way too long, when they have lost touch with the American people.They work for us, but I guess they have forgotten.They mock us, and call us names. Why? Because we speak out against one of their pet projects. To them its only a project, but to us, its our lives they are messing with. The politicians won't par take in this health-care bill,so they don't care whats inside. Senior citizens are coming out in droves to town hall meetings to voice their opinion and objection to this health-care bill. And rightly so. They call us astro turf, militias,and people who work for special interest groups. Well I hate to disappoint them,the only special interest group we belong to is, being a American citizen. No party affiliation, just Americans worried about the direction our Country is headed, and trying to get our elected officials to listen to us. People are turning up at these town hall meetings prepared to ask valid questions. They have read the bill, they know whats inside and they want answers.Its sad that the politicians don't even know whats inside this 1081 page bill, because they didn't feel it was necessary,but it is necessary, its their job.Now that Washington has awoken the sleeping giant, people are talking, people are on the Internet to stay in touch with what is going on. Its called being informed.Our President, the man who campaigned on transparency, but I guess the transparency he was talking about,looking into all our lives.President Obama came out this past week and said if anyone gets an e-mail you think has false information about the health-care bill, you should forward it to the White House.I don't know about you, but it sure sounds like a snitch detail. I didn't like snitches when I was a kid, and I sure as heck don't like snitches as a adult, especially ordered by the most powerful house in the Country,the White House.What is the government going to do with all these addresses? Its funny, the same week this started, people all over this Country have received unsolicited emails from an Obama affiliation group, and David Axelrod.Now that sure smells of invasion of privacy, but thats me. Where is the ACLU? You know the same ACLU that said George Bush was invading our privacy with wire taps.They were screaming when Americans had taps on their phones, because they were in contact with Abdul. Well, I am sorry, I said it 8 years ago, and I will say it again. If any person in this Country is having contact with someone who wants to harm us, go and tap away. But just remember this one fact, we can count on one hand the people that were violated, (zero) but this time, it has only been a few days and hundreds of Americans have come forward about this. Where is the outrage? Where is the shock,"how could this happen in this country"?Why is there a double standard for the Conservatives of this Country? Are we not all Americans? Everyday, slowly they are chipping away at our rights.Wake up people, get informed before you wake up one day, and the Country, and your rights, that you know and love are GONE! This is the greatest Country in the world. We are not perfect, but we are the next best thing. All I ask is, please get informed.Stay on top of your elected officials, make sure they are doing what is best for YOU, not for them.You have the most powerful tool in front of you, the Internet. Use is! Remember, this also is our Country, it doesn't only belong to the politicians.It is our responsibility, no its our duty, to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. John Adams once said,"liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fishy? Washington is starting to smell like Russia.

How is it that when we start asking questions that concern ALL of us, the White House says we are acting fishy?What is fishy, is that politicians want to intimidate us not to ask questions.But I hate to disappoint them, the more they want me to keep quiet, the more I am going to speak out. What happened to our Freedom of Speech? Did we loose that on January 2oth?That's what it sure feels like.This administration is so coddled, and has been put on a pedestal by the main stream media,that when they hear any disagreements they go ballistic. So now the people of this Country are starting to wake up, and see what really is in store for them and they are frightened, and rightly so.We are speaking out by calling our Representatives, and attending town hall meeting, so our voices are heard. These Representatives work for us, but it seems they have forgotten. The majority of Americans don't want this health-care bill, but the politicians are dead set to forget our wishes.This bill is so bad from every angle, that the politicians want nothing to do with it. Sen. Coburn put an amendment that requires all lawmakers to enroll in the health plan if passed. Guess what? They voted against it.Why? Because they all know its a disaster on all levels.Why is it, that if you are on the left it is your Constitutional right to speak out, but if you are a Conservative,you are part of a mob? By the way we are not a mob, but a scared group of Americans watching are freedoms and liberties slowly going away.The Senators that are mocking these town hall meetings, did they not forget how President Obama got his start? The difference with us, we are civil, where as President Obama has used intimidation and fear to get what he wanted, and sorry to say his antics haven't changed.And to my Senator, Dick Durbin, I do not appreciate when you go on television and say we are a mob, and put together by the insurance industry. No, we are your constituents of Illinois, who pay you to represent us,not sell us out for you your own selfish greed.Senator Durbin,we all know how your accustomed to talking down the military, your very questionable stock trades,anti-American tirades, and typical Chicago thug politics.But for shits and giggles, listen to us, and hear us, quit being Obama's lap dog.I know it sounds like a crazy concept, but maybe once in your sorry career, you can put your job before power and your own selfish greed.You and your Washington cronies have awaken the sleeping monster, and now we are coming after all of you.We the grassroots of America are taking our Country back, the Country that we love so deeply.If politicians won't represent what we WANT, then we will find someone who will!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Six Months To Pick a Dog,Three Weeks To Shove Health-Care Down Our Throats

I understand why the Obamas took six months to choose the right dog for their family. One of their daughters has some sort of reaction to dog fur. Fair enough, and they wanted to choose what dog was right for their family.Shouldn't we all have this same opportunity with our health-care? They get six months, and the politicians want to give us three weeks? Is the Obama family any more important than our families? The politicians in Washington don't care about us or our families, they care about themselves, and lining their pockets at the same time.If this health-care bill is just so wonderful for all of us,I have just one question. Why then are they not signing on to it? Matter of fact, they past a resolution in the house where they don't have to par-take in this catastrophe.This bill is 1018 pages, written by lobbyist, and worded where the average person can't make heads or tails out of it.I am not the only one who say this. Congressman John Conyers of Michigan said on July 27,"what good is reading the bill, if its a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill".President Obama recently said he didn't know what was inside the bill either.. So shouldn't this make you nervous?These same people who want to shove this down our throats,they don't even know what it says, or repercussions it will have for all of us. They don't care, because it doesn't effect them or their families.Here is a sample of what is inside this fine bill:Health-Care rationed,Sec.122,Pg.29/There will be a Government Committee deciding what treatments and benefits you get. Sec.123,Pg.30/Health-Care for ALL non-us citizens Sec.152,Pg. 50-51/Government will have real-time access to individual finances and national ID Health Care card will be issued. Sec.163,Pg.58-59/Health Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You will have no say. Sec.142,Pg.42/Governement will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Senior and low income and the poor are affected./Any Non-Resident Aliens exempt from individual taxes. (We Pay) Sec.59,Pg.170/Government is creating an Health-Care Exchange to bring private plans under government control. Sec.201,Pg.72/Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life, according to preset methods.Sec.1233,Pg.430/Treatment of certain cancer hospitals,cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing.Sec 1145,Pg.272/Government mandates advance (death) care planning consultation. This is end of life counseling, and rationing health care for elderly. Sec.1233,Pg.425./ This is only a small tidbit whats inside the health-care bill. The majority of Americans don't want this, but no one is listening. The politicians that we elect to serve us, have their own agenda, and what is best for us is not on their agenda.We need to call our Senators and
Congressman and demand they vote no for Universal Health- Care.Ask them why they won't participate in this for themselves and their family! The Government is already involved with the post office,Amtrak, Social Security and Medicare. You see what a fine job they have done running these organizations. Do you want these same government bureaucrats to tell you what health benefits you or your family are entitled too? Do you want them to tell you your elder relative is not entitled to anymore help, because at that age, the money won't be spent wisely? Well that's what will happen. This is what is in HR 3200. If you want to be in control of health-care for you and your family,call your representatives, let your voices be heard.Remember they WORK for us! We put them there, we can take them from there.Wake up America, and take your life and Country back. Remember,NOTHING is ever free.If Universal Health-Care passes, then our representatives will have sold our soul to the devil, and God help us all!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today,22 years ago I lost one of the most important people in my life,my Dad.My Dad was not only a great man,but an honest man.He was by no means a large man in stature,but in my eyes he was bigger than life.There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for me,and I knew he would always be there.He had an answer for everything, and when I would doubt him,he would say,"I am your Father, why would I lie to you"?As a teenager, you think you know everything, and that your parents are just blowing steam, but we don't take in account the life experiences they have lived.I think I am the person today,because of my Dad. My out spoken self, love of family and Country.When I was a teenager, Jimmy Carter was president.How my Father despised this man, for what he was doing to the Country.How he felt he was running the Country into the ground.Unemployment and interest rates were rising.The sparkle and the moral of the American people was fading.Then Ronald Reagan appeared.My Father would tell me," he is going to be a great man,watch and see." I think the reason why my Father liked Reagan, because he showed strength, not the weakness Carter portrayed. My Father was a man with a large heart and a passion for what he believed. He taught me to stand up for what I thought was right,be proud of who I am, and treat people with respect. I feel today our Country is heading down the wrong path, and I feel compelled to speak to anyone who would listen. There are alot of people just like me out there, trying to get our voices heard, we are the new grassroots.The media and the left want to dismiss us, but that's ok, because we are not going away. We just got started.Ronald Reagan spoke on July 17,1980,and today July17,2009 his words speak volumes.He said " work and family are the center of our lives; the foundation of our dignity as a free people. When we deprive people of what they have earned, or take away their job, we destroy their dignity and undermine their families. We cannot support our families unless there are jobs; and we cannot have jobs unless people have both money to invest and faith to invest." This is what the government will do to America if the health-care, and energy bill get passed.They will destroy the family unit as we know it.The media should be reporting the truth of what the real consequence will be if these bills are passed.They are picking what they want to report.When the Congress and the Senate are shoving this health care and energy bills down our throats,where is the reporting? These bills will effect every single person in this Country, but no reporting. Why? They should be going over the pros and cons of each. So the only logical reason for this non coverage is, these bills are bad for America.When they pass through both houses, we will find out what really is in store for us.Is this the transparency that we heard so much about? Just asking. I have always loved my Country, and proud to be an American, but in July of 2001 my eyes were awaken. I took my niece to New York, where we visited Ellis Island. I was excited to walk through the same hallways my Grandfather walked, too come to this great Country.I heard the stories of how all immigrants were treated,like second hand citizens. I cried throughout the whole tour,seeing the pictures,reading the stories.My father always told me stories about the struggle of my Grandfather coming to America.I took it all for granted, until that day,July 2001.I realized what my Grandfather went through, to have a better life. He heard how great America was, and he wanted it for himself. He didn't come here for a handout,he came here for a better life.My Grandfather worked hard,fell in love,got married.He opened a grocery store, a store he had and ran for 60 years.He was the American dream.He believed in this Country, and he knew hard work pays off.We all take for granted what a great Country this is.Most of us haven't struggled for much in our life, matter of fact, its been handed to us. I am not talking handouts, I am talking about being born into a free society.That day, it hit home to me. I would now understand why my Father would keep telling me my Grandfathers story.He wanted to instill in me,hard work pays off,be proud of your Country, but more importantly,be proud of yourself.Now we live in a society where they promote welfare, but not hard work.The media shuns people who say they pay enough taxes, but promotes politicians who turn their backs on their constituents.My Father is no longer here, but if he was here.He would be saddened by the direction we are heading, but hopeful that the spirit of Americans would take their Country back,the same Country that my Grandfather struggled to get to over 100 years ago.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Justice?

Its another day, and I am shaking my head like,what the heck are they thinking in Washington? But that's it, they are not thinking.Eric Holder, our Attorney General,very educated man,but apparently he wants to be more political, than uphold the law. Remember the law? The job he was hired to do.I know he was appointed by the President,but his job is to uphold the law,and not politicize the office.Eric Holder was involved with 2 controversial pardons with then President Clinton.The first one is with Marc Rich.He was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud,evading $48 million in taxes,as well as running illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis in 1979-1980.But I guess if you have enough money, as Marc Rich does,you can buy a pardon.Well he does, and he did.His wife Denise,with his money was one of President Clintons biggest fundraisers. And who do you think that financed majority of the Clinton library? You got it,Denise Rich so her husband could come back to America,Oh, I didn't tell you, he took off to Switzerland, and waited for the T's to be crossed, and the I's dotted.I guess its nice to have friends in very high places.The second one is quite disturbing.President Clinton pardoned 16 from the Puerto Rican FALN Terrorist group.This group was responsible for over 120 bomb attacks on U.S. targets from 1974-1983.The FBI,prosecutors, and other law enforcement officials were against this pardon, but Eric Holder rebuffed them. He choose not to uphold the law, or listen to others in authority, but instead oks the pardon for someones political gain. Who you ask, because Clinton was leaving? Well Hillary was going to run for Senator of New York and she wanted the Hispanic vote.So I guess by this logic,votes rule over the safety of Americans.Now fast forward to November 2008, election day. The Black Panthers were at a voting precinct in Philadelphia intimidating voters to vote for Obama.Charges were made in November, now this new administration under the direction of Eric Holder, choose to drop those charges.But now the Black Panthers are restricted from going to that precinct again in the next election.Wow, instead of jail time, they are slapped on the wrist.But you might ask yourself, does Eric Holder go after anyone? Sure, ever hear of Sheriff Joe Arpaio? He is from Maricopa County in Arizona.He is doing his job, along with his deputies, by arresting illegals coming into the United States illegally from Mexico through Arizona. He also is raiding places were illegals are housed. But Eric Holder has the whole justice department after Sheriff Arpaio saying he violated their rights? What rights? It seems we the law abiding citizens are ones whos rights are being being violated.Well the cherry on top of this story is that Eric Holder is now going after Vice President Cheney.There are investigating if Cheney had secret meetings to do with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. You know the groups that want to kill us, but I guess this is the the new m.o., its ok to bring harm to Americans, because we won't charge you, and we will look the other way. But if you are someone who tries to keep America safe, you are charged.Does this make sense? Of course not, but I guess being Attorney General of the Unites States you can pick and choose the bad guys over the good guys.So much for upholding the rule of law. But what else is new, everyday our President, the Senate and the Congress are shredding the Constitution. So why should we be surprised?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who is looking out for us??

Today the Obama administration announced that terror suspects tried before the Military Commissions can claim some constitutional rights, including protection against evidence obtained through coercion.Are you friggin kidding me? Where in the Constitution does it say, terrorist have rights?What about my rights? Yes, mine. Today politicians are more concerned about a group of terrorist that want to kill us, then the rights of Americans under the Constitution.They are not worried about offending us, the voters,but offending the terrorist.When politicians are elected, they ALL took an oath, and they swore to support and defend the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA against all enemies foreign and domestic. Those are the key words:SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.So my question is, why isn't anyone holding these politicians to it? Maybe their fingers were crossed, and so it didn't count.Yeah, your right its not funny, but they act like kids,who are playing with monopoly money.The trouble is, its our money,our grand children's money, and their grand children's money.They are buying banks,auto makers and ,insurance companies.They are shoving their energy and health-care bill down our throats. And lets not forget about the more than 30 czars that have been appointed, not nominated. Without realizing the consequences of their actions.Because inside all those pretty bills wrapped nicely are presents for politicians who were elected to represent us, but who are selling us out.House Majority Leader,StenyHoyer (D-MD) said Tuesday"that the health-care bill now pending in Congress would garner very few votes if lawmakers actually HAD TO READ the entire bill before voting on it".If you don't want to read the Bills, find another profession. The Declaration of Independence guarantees all of us:LIFE,LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. So between the White House,Congress and the Senate with their UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts, they are infringing on all our rights.Where is the ACLU,too busy worried that Abdul rights were violated?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Today is not only the 4th of July, it is Independence Day. It is a day we often take for granted.Most people today are thinking about barbeque's, and fireworks. But its more than that.On July 4th, 233 years ago, 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence, and a Nation was born.Our Founding Fathers are probably turning in their graves today, watching how our Constitution is being shredded.When our politicians are elected, they take an oath,to protect and defend the Constitution.Where are those politicians today? I am talking ALL politicians, both Republicans and Democrats.We have some politicians today shredding the Constitution, and the others standing by. How do they stand by and let this happen to the greatest country in the world? Where is the outrage?When did people in Government start thinking that we work for them, sorry, its the other way around. You work for us.The Founders carefully integrated the three branches:EXECUTIVE,LEGISLATIVE,JUDICIAL so that each one was coordinated with the others and could not function independently of them.So tell me how we have over 20 czars?Who do they answer too?Not the Senate or Congress, but just to the President. This is Unconstitutional! There is a reason checks and balances were put in place.Where is the outcry from our politicians? More importantly, where is the outrage from my fellow Americans?Our Founders believed that using government to protect equal rights,not to provide equal things. Where in the Constitution does it say that government must provide health care for all, especially the poor? What it does say"under no circumstances is the federal government to become involved in public welfare.The Founders felt it would corrupt the government and the poor.NO Constitution authority exists for the federal government to participate in charity or welfare"So again I ask you, where in the Constitution does it say the government must provide health care, and I MUST take it? I'll tell you, nowhere.Yesterday, they said the Senate has attached to the health care bill, you must accept health care, or be fined $1,000.00.Well I like them to try to force this UNCONSTITUTIONAL bill on me, because I am NOT paying it.The Constitution says I have the right to make personal choices,and my choice is not to take part in their health care catastrophe. The Founders believed in the Four Laws of economic Freedom, one in particular is interesting: The Freedom To Fail.So why are we saving banks,insurance companies and auto makers?The Founders also warned that the only way for a nation to prosper was to have equal protection of "rights,"and not allow the government to get involved in trying to provide equal distribution of "things." They also warned against the pooling of property as advocated by the proponents of communism. Samuel Adams said they had done everything possible to make the ideas of socialism and communism unconstitutional.So why did we pick and choose certain dealerships to close? Again unconstitutional.They didn't have the option of "Freedom to Fail, the government took it from them.Now this Cap and Trade bill is headed for the Senate.This bill if passed will change our lives forever, and not for the better. First our utility bills will go up from $2,000-$4,000 per household, per year. That isn't the worst. The government wants to regulate what kind of windows,toilets, heaters, air conditioners and so on. You don't have a choice here, this is what they are trying to mandate on you, in other words,force on you.I don't think the Founders would be very happy today with the politicians in Washington,I think they would be ashamed and saddened.Wake up America, before our great country we all know as America is gone.Start getting involved. Call your politicians and let them know how dissatisfied you are with their representation.Stand up and be heard.Let them know, we won't take it anymore!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why Don't They Listen To Us?

Here we go again! When are these politicians going to get it? When are they going to start to listen to us? Yesterday, the Energy Bill came up for a vote. One of the most important bills in American history. This Bill will effect young, and old.White,black,all of America. You would think, a Bill of this size would get some play in the media or newspapers. You would think, right? But sorry to say no coverage. I really don't know whats going on this country. Are the politicians and the media trying to make jerks of us? For one week, the media was talking about National Health care and why we need it.I know that is a very important topic, but what the House was going to vote on was Energy. Where was the coverage?Where is this transparency that Obama wants to keep talking about? He promised the bill would be put online 5 days before it is voted on, so we ALL can take a look at it. It was more like 5 hours. The Bill started out to be around 1201 pages, and then lo and behold over 300 pages were added after 3:00 am. What is that? What are they hiding in this bill? Why in the dark of night the secrecy? Who is going to have anytime to read this? But that's it, they don't want anyone to read it, just vote.I bet with over 400 politicians there, I bet not one read it.These are the people that are trusted to represent us.Answer me this, how do you vote on something, that you don't know whats inside? Do we sign contracts without reading the fine print? No, because we want to know wants in store for us. But politicians don't care about us, they are only out for themselves. And sorry to say, its getting more apparent everyday.Voters have been burning the phones lines talking to their Representative to let them know that they wanted him or her to vote NO. The switchboards were jammed. We were calling their state offices, and their local offices. Our voices we thought, were being heard.Why take our phone calls, if you are not going to listen to the people in your districts?What did you get for selling us out? I hope it was worth it, because come the next election you are gone. One in particular,Congressman Kirk.Yes you, Congressman. How do you call yourself a Conservative when YOU voted YES to the largest tax increase in American history? How Congressman do you explain this? Was selling your soul to the devil (Pelosi) worth it? Today, all people across the board are having a rough time. How will you explain that, come next year when their utilities will almost double each month? When the elderly, and the poor can't turn the heat up to keep warm, or the air to keep cool? Oh, I know, because in this tightly guarded bill, the government will eventually control the thermostat. Sounds nutty huh, but that's only one of many scary things inside this bill.Why do politicians think that we need more government in our lives? Government is the problem, not the solution. The only time I want government around is to keep my friends and family safe.All other times,GET THE HELL OUT!
Please people, we have one last chance to defeat this terrible bill. Call your Senator everyday and tell him or her to vote NO on the Energy Bill.Then tell 5 friends, have those friends tell 5 friends and so on.If this bill passes the Senate, there will be more government intrusion and bureaucracy in our lives, and there will be no turning back.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wake Up America

Today as I was washing dishes, I had a epiphany about President Obama. I think Obama was a stooge or a tool that the good ole boys used to get him elected.You see, as he was running for President, the old boy network, media, and Hollywood were marketing this man.He had no executive experience,didn't accomplish much as a State Senator, or a Senator.He voted present more times than actually voted.If you looked at his qualifications on paper, you would think this is a joke,this person can never be president. But the marketing paid off, and guess what,we have President Obama.It was slick marketing, they only put out what they wanted seen and heard.The first African American, but in reality, he is half white. A Christian family man,but the fact is, the church he belonged to spewed hatred and racism.How he worked is way up , from meager means.Then to end up running for President of the United States.Sounds nice, but just a few things first. His Grandma worked hard to put him in prep school. He attended Occidental,Columbia Colleges,and Harvard Law. By the way, to this day, all records of Obama are sealed.His grades, writings, and more importantly, who financed his education. It might sound trivia to you, but who does he owe his gratitude too?These important questions need to be answered, just to see what direction he is leading us.He campaigned on change, but did people really question the change he was talking about? No, they didn't.If people really listened to him, to what he was really saying, he would of never won the election.The media turned this election into a movie.Every soundbite,handshake, and every look was orchestrated.The American people were played.Too lazy for themselves to really listen to what was coming out of his mouth. We were spoon fed, what the media wanted us to know.He campaigned on how he wanted to change America? Whats wrong with America? We are not perfect, but we are the next best thing.He wants to change the Constitution.Why?He wants to redistribute the wealth.Why? Because, he thinks we all should be on one level. But I am sorry, I don't work hard, so someone else can take and give to someone who doesn't work as hard.This is America, for Gods sake. We can be or do anything.Just follow your dreams. Hard work really pays off.For all the people out there, that say we don't pay enough in taxes, I say, fire your accountant, and file EZ Form .Give the government 60% or more of your check. Because I think the majority of Americans think they are entitled to their own money, and the government shouldn't be a silent partner in their lives.There are so many things on the horizon. America, wake up and take notice of what is happening.Once these changes are made, there won't be any turning back. Lets start with Cap and Trade, every household in this country, will pay between $2,000.-4.000 more per year.Don't you think your utilities are high enough now? Just wait. What about National Health Care Reform, sounds nice,but one thing. We can't afford it.His own budget office said, it will cost 1 trillion dollars, and still 35 million people won't be covered.Where will this money come from? Well they are throwing around the VAT tax. That is a national sales tax.What do you think this will do to businesses? People will only be able to afford the necessities.This will kill businesses across the board.Think about this, the lottery was established in some states so the proceeds would fund education.Well, we all know how that worked out.Remember how Obama campaigned that 95% of the people will get a tax break? Well it is more like 100% will be affected by this. Is this the change you were looking for? This is not a Republican or a Democrat issue, this is an American issue.We need to stand up and be heard.Our politicians don't care about us,whether they are Democrats or Republicans, all they care about is themselves and lining their pockets for their own good.Stand up America, call your politician and tell them you won't stand for anymore taxes. Enough is enough.Maybe if enough of us stood up, the politicians would get the message and do what they are paid to do:REPRESENT US.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sad Day In America

Remember years ago when we watched on TV, a Reagan campaign commercial? Its theme was a new day in America. Well today, is a new day, but a sad day for America. Our country and its greatness is slipping away, all by the hands of the man who took the oath to protect us. Yes that man is President Obama.Today free enterprise is in danger, not because of failed business ideas, but government intervention.Car dealerships across this country are being closed, not because they are not profitable, but because the government says so. Some don't want to say its political, but I am going to say it. It is political retribution from the last election. Did any of you think you would live in a country where government takes away your livelihood at a moments notice? What about the livelihoods of their employees? Well folks you do, and its right here in America.This is not only sad, but very scary.After this, how can we be assured that government will not try to take over another aspect of this country, but wait they have. Remember the banks? Now tell me,why would any American want to go into business, when one day the government can take your livelihood right from under you? I know it sounds bizarre,but its happening as you are reading this.Where is the so-called media covering this? Why only select networks are caring the stories of families loosing everything? How come no TV or print media has went into the background of the Car Czar that Obama appointed?Steve Rattner has a very questionable history, but then again only questionable people are serving the President.But the one important fact about Steve Rattner, he has no car experience.But the experience he does carry, along with the rest of the shady characters in the White House is shaking down and intimidation.I guess these are the new credentials for working for the government.
Its not even six months yet, but sure feels like a lifetime. Our unemployment is 9.4% and rising,interest rates are on the rise,and optimism is falling, not daily but hourly.The Europeans are moving right, as we have taken a HARD LEFT.The Chinese announced today a 47% increase in car sales, and lower taxes.A Russian newspaper has reported that America is on the path to Socialism.Is this the change you wanted? Well this is the change Obama campaigned on, how he wanted to change America,redistribute wealth,and most importantly change the Constitution.And all these things are happening right under your nose.Wake up America, before its all gone.Stand up, and be heard. Call your local and state Representatives.Call your local papers and networks and tell them you demand they start reporting the news.Tell them to quit their love fest with this administration, and report the news.Enough is enough!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chicago's Finest

Today is a sad day for Chicago, and the extended Valadez family. We mourn a man, and a organization who put their lives on the line everyday for our city. They are a group of men and women who are under paid and over worked.They are under appreciated by politicians and the media,but the average person is grateful for their service.With the murder of Officer Valadez, that makes three police officers killed in the last 12 months.My hats are off to the men and women that make up what I call Chicago's finest,the Chicago Police Department.This group put their lives on the line everyday for you and I.They are an extraordinary group, made up of all walks of life,white,black,brown,all faiths,all nationalities,Republicans,Democrats, men and women.They wear the badge with honor,and don't take their responsibilities lightly.And what do they ask in return?Not much, maybe a contract,more guys on the beat, and maybe someone to have their back if needed.Why do the politicians play politics with the livelihood of the men and women on the police force? Why are Police Officers the last to get the money that is owned to them?Why are politicians the first to get a raise, its not like they deserve it.These questions need to be asked, and answered.We the people need to stand up for what is right, and that is that the Chicago Police Department should get whatever they need. They are the ones protecting the streets of Chicago,not the over paid politician.When you are in need, who answers the call? The policeman, or the politician? Of course the policeman. The only time we hear from our politicians is 6 weeks before an election, if you are lucky.Police officers should be commended for a job well done.Thank you! And I would like to take this time to send my condolences to the Valadez family for their loss, my prayers are with you at this time. To the men and women of the Chicago Police Department, thank you for your service, and God Bless you today, and everyday.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mr. President, You are a HYPOCRITE !

Well the true colors of our President and the First lady are coming out.They kept saying all through the campaign how they were like us, the working class. He wasn't the typical politician.The koolaid drinkers believed it, I didn't. Why? First, I don't live in a mansion like the Obamas, I live in a nice small apartment.Does the average American live in a mansion? Think not!
I don't have kids, but if I did, I couldn't afford to send them to the private school in Chicago where tuition is around 12,000 a year per child? Is that what the average American pays for schooling for their children? Again, think not.I don't begrudge anyone for what they have, but please don't try to pull yourself off as one of us. It is just insulting. Yeah its wonderful he wants to take his wife out for a date night. Nice, but isn't there any restaurants in Washington,or plays they can attend? Oh I forgot, he promised her. Well, I guess that promise is bigger than the one he made to the American public about spending.Remember when he and the media trashed the heads of the automakers for taking private planes to Washington to testify? They were made out to be villains. My favorite, how he went after Las Vegas. A city that depends on tourism to survive. That is their bread and butter.Saying companies shouldn't visit Las Vegas, it is sending out a bad message. Well Mr. President, what kind of message do you think you sent last night? The message is, you are a typical politician, and you think you are not bound by rules and regulation like the rest of us.Rules you have in place for us. When Josh Earnest was asked by a reporter from the Dallas Morning News,what was the cost? The reply was" he didn't anticipate being able to provide a cost estimate tonight". With all the numbers flying around Washington, you would think they would have an idea what date night cost. Well they do,and they just don't think they need to tell .Shame on you Mr. President, you are a hypocrite, just for once practice what you preach.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What Is Happening???

I don't know what I should write about today,not because of the shortage of topics,on contrary, there are so many things to talk about.Is anyone afraid of the direction our country is headed? Well I am terrified. Unemployment keeps going up. People are still losing their homes everyday. North Korea and Iran keep testing us.Universal Health care that they want to shove down our throats, but in actuality will bankrupt America. President Obama nominated a Hispanic woman for the Supreme Court, and no one is to challenge her because she is a woman and a Hispanic. One question, are we not in this position today, because the media was afraid to challenge Obama on his past? And now they want to float around the VAT:value added tax.Well we all know anything with the word tax in it isn't good.
I don't know about any of you, but if something isn't done fast,unemployment is going to go in double digits.Does anyone remember Jimmy Carter? Well we are going to wish for those numbers.Stop raising taxes on the people who employee others. Cut their taxes,give tax breaks for keeping people on. Wouldn't that be cheaper than to pay their unemployment benefits which for sure will lead to welfare.American people want to work, quit taking the opportunities away.Isn't this the land of opportunity? It is going to look like the Obama land of welfare.Now universal health care is being shoved down our throats, like its the best thing since slice cheese.Yes I think we should all get health care,but we all know nothing is ever free.Free always has a way of having strings attached to it, and in this case, those strings are attached to the working population paying for this.I believe the American poor and unemployed are entitled to free health care, yes Americans. Not illegals, sorry. I have nothing against immigrants, my grandfather was an immigrant. He never asked for anything, came to this country,got his citizenship, worked hard and raised a family.If we can't afford our own citizens, what makes you think we can afford someone else responsibilities? Like my father always told me"money doesn't grow on trees". Its simple.There is only so much money, then it gone.It might seem harsh, but its reality.
Now the VAT:value added tax. Isn't this just dandy, another tax.This is a tax on top of what you already pay statewide.They would like it to be around 10%. In some places in this country you could pay around 20% when you purchase something.They say this will support the health care bill, is that anything like the lottery earnings will support education? And we all know how that worked out. I just have one thing to say to our government leaders, if you keep pursuing this nonsense,remember the Tea Parties on April 15. That won't be nothing,come July 4, there will be millions of American all across this land out on the streets.And any member of Congress or the Senate that is behind this, you will be gone. I guarantee you this. The American people are sick of the the political nonsense and games.We will take our country back, one politician at a time.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mr. President,be a Leader!!

Today is armed forces day. If you see or know someone that was or is in the military, take a minute and thank that person for their service.Without that person, you wouldn't have the freedom that you enjoy today.Its a shame when the people high in government, such as Nancy Pelosi and President Obama don't keep the military in high regard. Oh, they might in front of the camera, but their actions speak louder than words. If you respect the military, and by God you should, then why cut spending in the time of war? Why call them liars? Why release pictures that could hurt them?More importantly, why politicize it?I'll answer that, because they have no honor.Your job Mr.President, is to protect the people of this country, and by any means necessary.Why is it so hard to wrap yourself around this idea?President Obama,you should always be on the military side, no matter what!Especially in front of the media.The campaign is over, and real life is here.You know first hand the real threats to our country. You need to stand up and be a leader, not a puppet to the left wing loons.A leader Mr.President makes decisions on facts, and what is best for the country.A puppet is pulled by strings from groups with their own agenda, and sorry to say, you Mr. President are a puppet for the left wing loons.Prove me wrong, and take a stand, sign an executive order not to release photos or memos about the detainees.These things could only hurt the people in law enforcement.Again, the FBI,CIA and DEA need to know you are on their side. Yes you, no matter what. Stand up for the men and women that are keeping your little girls safe, and others around this great country of ours.I salute the men and women today on Armed Forces Day, and everyday.God Keep them safe.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes

Last night was the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Hearing the reviews, it was more of a love fest for Obama. Another day for his ego to be stroked,how narcissistic. Can we expect anything else from the media, they are the people who got him elected. This is the same group that forgot what real journalism is, when you should report the news, not cover it up because you are in love with a simple candidate. But that is all old news, and we all know,journalism no longer exist. My main gripe is with Wanda Sykes.She is some what funny, I wouldn't pay to see her in person.My question, to the Hollywood Elite, you see, they think they are elite. I think the dirt on my shoe has more class than them. She was up there last night doing her stick, and I guess if you are mean spirited that you are automatically funny.Before you do your jokes, you should check your facts to make sure you say them in the right contexts. She kept saying how Rush Limbaugh wanted the country to fail. How Rush wanted the soldiers to fail. First I like to say to Wanda Sykes, get your head out of your ass because Rush doesn't want the country to fail, he wants Obamas policies to fail. Policies I like to remind everyone, that are going to kill our country. Obama and the left want socialism. Do you? Do you want the government to control all aspects of your life and work? Do you want the government to tax you so high, that they get more from your paycheck than you? I didn't think so.The second thing I like to say to Miss Sykes is Rush Limbaugh doesn't want the military to fail, instead he is one of the biggest proponents for the military.He donates his time and money, and a fierce backer of our men and women in uniform.When was the last time you did anything for the military? When did you write your last check for the wounded soldiers? When was the last time you performed for the USO? If you are anything like the rest of the left, the answer would be negative on all counts. The USO today cannot get enough of Hollywood people to travel with them. How sad. They won't support the men and women that keep them safe in this great country, all the while they are spewing their hate.Our military gives them that right. .And one last thing Ms Sykes, you hoped that Rush Limbaughs kidneys would fail. Funny? I don't think so, but that whole banquet hall laughed. What has happened to our country, when people laugh about wishing ill on someone else? I will tell you, its only funny when they are laughing at the right. But if someone said that same joke about Obama, then you would be a racist, and asked:HOW COULD YOU,AND HOW DARE YOU?Such a double standard.I could also wish the same on Wanda Sykes, but I won't stoop to her level. Karma always has a way of biting you on the ass, and by the size of her ass, it will be quite a bite.So look out,because come 2010, middle America will start to get our country back, and by 2012, the rest of the gang will also be gone. The American people will no longer take this lying down.We love our country, and we are taking it back.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ashamed of prayer?

Today is National Prayer Day, our country has celebrated this day for 58 years.It is not forced upon anyone. It was always nice seeing leaders from other religions get together and pray, and have respect for each others beliefs.It was great to grow up in a country where all religions are embraced, and people weren't ashamed to say they believe in God.Now because of the print and tv media, its some how not politically correct to believe.But interestingly enough, the majority of Americans believe in God, but mainstream media won't acknowledge the facts.

The reason for today's blog is that during the long campaign, President Obama never missed a photo op coming out of a church on Sunday. Great pr! Tell the American people what a good Christian person you are, because you still made time for church.How nicely wrapped is that? But interesting enough, after President Obama won the election, it took him almost three months to attend church. Why? Well there are all kinds of good pr answers, but the truth is, he won, and church was no longer needed.Today is May 7th,2009 National Prayer Day. For 58 years our country has celebrated this day. Its wonderful when a diverse group of people get together, particular heads of religion organization.Where still in some parts of the world you are killed if you don't believe in one way or the other.But this year, 2009, our Christian President celebrated this day by signing a proclamation about this day in private.How shameful is this? President Obama and the mainstream media want to belittle people who believe. How can we forget what he said mockingly about clinging to your bibles and guns.I am proud to be Catholic, and no one today,tomorrow or EVER will tell me who or what I should believe in.That is the sorry thing about President Obama, he has no core, his handlers have to tell him what to believe, and what to say. How sad, but most of all, how scary.Mr. President, I hope in these four years, like they say in my neighborhood, I hope you grow some balls, and tell the left and to shove it, and do what is right for this country that we all LOVE.

On National Prayer Day and everyday: GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goverment Thugs

Is anyone troubled that our government,the high office in particular is running the government like common thugs? Where is the outrage I ask? The banks want to give the money back,but the government won't accept it.Instead they threatened the banks with bad publicity, so their stocks crash, and people pull their money out.Now the government threatens the lawyers for the hedge funds,who are doing their jobs. The government wants the hedge funds to take 10 cents on the dollar in the Chrysler bankruptcy,but the lawyers said no, they want 50 cents on a dollar.President Obama goes on tv, and vilifies the lawyers, while court proceeding are taking place.He was a law professor, and he knows thats wrong. But President Obama doesn't care,he tries to influence the court.Lawyers for the the hedge funds are saying they were threatened. What country do we live in? I thought America, but sure sounds like Russia to me.If you don't agree with this administration, they go after you.I ask, what ever happened to democracy? My answer,it died January 20,2009.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I just got through reading an article on the ABC news web sight, that was linked from the Drudge Report.If is wasn't for Drudge, I wouldn't know about this article. Well those fine people at ABC, went and located the men, who I would call Heroes who did the "torturing" of the terrorist that want to hurt our country. They showed their faces, and gave their names. Where the hell is the outrage I ask? The mainstream media cares more about the people who are trying to kill us.Do they not care, that we have not had an attack for 8 1/2 years? I care, and I thank George Bush for keeping me,my family and friends safe. No wonder why no one is buying newspapers, or watching tv. They don't report the news, it has all turned into tabloid journalism.What a shame.Where was the reporting during the presidential campaign? Well they weren't in Chicago. Those reporters that were outing the guys from the CIA, why didn't they investigate the corruption that involves Obama?The dirty way he won his Senate seat? The hate filled church that he belonged to for 20 years?Why didn't they insist to show his school records, or for that matter, who paid for his schooling? Till this day, this information is sealed. My question is ,why?But there were no reporters. ABC wants to out the people who have kept us safe. Who runs the news division? But I call on everyone to boycott ABC news, and all ABC tv. Besides loving Obama, they love money. The only way for them to make money is too have ratings, so lets kill the ratings.

Presidents Press Conference

Did anyone check out the press conference from last night?It lasted one hour, and he answered 13 questions.Wow!!Were there real reporters in there, or just people from his fan club? These sure weren't the same group of reporters that were there with George Bush.I sure don't remember at any time that the New York times would ask what about being President enchanted him? Are you kidding me? Its scary, it was like a love fest. Where are the hard questions? Or the accusations for that matter? I liked when he was describing why torture is never good. But my question to our fearless leader:Mr President, if someone had your girls, and the only way to find where they are, is torture. You are saying , you wouldn't use torture. Well then you are a damn liar.Mr. President, you love your girls, and you would do whatever means to find them. So as President, of this great country, your job is to protect us, by ANY means. If by what you call torture, can save just one life, I say its worth it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

100 DAYS

We are approaching the first 100 days. All I can say, if we have a country left by 2012 God bless.
This man, that is my president, is going to go down as the WORST president ever. It is suspecious like he wants to destroy this country. He is taxing the working class to death, killing the defense budget, and bowing down to dictators from other countries.He is more afraid of the left, than terrorist.George Soros talks, and this man, our President, the man that gives Chris Matthews a chill up his leg, and he can't work fast enough for Soros, and the America hating left.
Crazy Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation for a truth squad about questioning the detainees. Is Nancy not happy that our country wasn't attacked?This woman is a nut, just not any nut, a nut who hates America. She is privileged, and lives a privileged life, so why hate a country that has been so good to you? She is an insult to ALL women.She is a liar, and a crook.Are the people in California that stupid that they voted her to represent them? That was a easy question, of course they are. Not all, buy most.People of America, we need to get out in 2010, and vote these Senators, and Congressman out. We need people, who care about us, who work for us.Who will vote for things that are best for our country,not hurt the country.I don't care what party you are for, they ALL need to go.If you want to save the great country we had on January 19,2009, you need to vote the jokers out.Wake up America, and save our country, from the liberal left.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are you kidding me today, the president wants to press charges against the people that have kept us safe for eight years?Just days ago, this wasn't an option, now today, after the wackos at put pressure on him. If the man can't handle the heat from groups like, how do we expect him to protect us? I 'll tell you how, he won't. This man bows to Saudi Arabia, almost french kisses the dictator Chavez.He is a weak man. When we get attacked again, it will be our fault some how. Because according to the prez, everything bad is because of the United States. He forgets, people around the world have freedom today, because of blood of Americans. What has he ever done for his country? I 'll tell you NOTHING!! Oh, I am sorry, he did something, he has made us unsafe. He releases papers on so called torture. But I call on the President there are more important papers out there that should be released. How about starting with his birth certificate, then his school records, and while he is at it, how about how his schooling was paid for. But nooo those are vital secrets, those can't be released. Why? What is he hiding? If nothing, then produce them. I say if he wants to out the secrets of the CIA, and the FBI, he should out himself first. But good luck with that.If he was a Republican, the media would be all over it. Demanding it! But where is the media on this? The same place they have been for the last 2 years,in Obamas pocket.That is why papers are suffering, they don't report the news. If the media, just once would of reported the true background on Obama, Hillary Clinton would probably be president today.So shame on the all media that did not do their job.