Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sad Day In America

Remember years ago when we watched on TV, a Reagan campaign commercial? Its theme was a new day in America. Well today, is a new day, but a sad day for America. Our country and its greatness is slipping away, all by the hands of the man who took the oath to protect us. Yes that man is President Obama.Today free enterprise is in danger, not because of failed business ideas, but government intervention.Car dealerships across this country are being closed, not because they are not profitable, but because the government says so. Some don't want to say its political, but I am going to say it. It is political retribution from the last election. Did any of you think you would live in a country where government takes away your livelihood at a moments notice? What about the livelihoods of their employees? Well folks you do, and its right here in America.This is not only sad, but very scary.After this, how can we be assured that government will not try to take over another aspect of this country, but wait they have. Remember the banks? Now tell me,why would any American want to go into business, when one day the government can take your livelihood right from under you? I know it sounds bizarre,but its happening as you are reading this.Where is the so-called media covering this? Why only select networks are caring the stories of families loosing everything? How come no TV or print media has went into the background of the Car Czar that Obama appointed?Steve Rattner has a very questionable history, but then again only questionable people are serving the President.But the one important fact about Steve Rattner, he has no car experience.But the experience he does carry, along with the rest of the shady characters in the White House is shaking down and intimidation.I guess these are the new credentials for working for the government.
Its not even six months yet, but sure feels like a lifetime. Our unemployment is 9.4% and rising,interest rates are on the rise,and optimism is falling, not daily but hourly.The Europeans are moving right, as we have taken a HARD LEFT.The Chinese announced today a 47% increase in car sales, and lower taxes.A Russian newspaper has reported that America is on the path to Socialism.Is this the change you wanted? Well this is the change Obama campaigned on, how he wanted to change America,redistribute wealth,and most importantly change the Constitution.And all these things are happening right under your nose.Wake up America, before its all gone.Stand up, and be heard. Call your local and state Representatives.Call your local papers and networks and tell them you demand they start reporting the news.Tell them to quit their love fest with this administration, and report the news.Enough is enough!!

1 comment:

  1. We read your blog. Everything you say is the truth and more people need to speak up. This country would be a better place if more people shared your same views. Our President is a sell out and so are those who elected him. Is anyone surprised that a politician might not have been honest during his campaign? I have a good idea let's bankrupt the rest of America at the expense of the working class in order to provide welfare to those who just choose to do nothing.....losers go get a job or go back to breast feeding off your mother because I am chaffed.
