Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Disingenuous Chairman

Let me first begin with that I always liked Michael Steele, and I respected him.I thought he was a good choice for Chairman of the Republican party.I thought he was about change to the party, not the same change Obama campaigned on, thankfully.Change about bringing everyone into the party, not just the old boy network. He must be one heck of a politician, because he even had me buffaloed. He talks a good game, but don't they all? I should of known when he was talking on both sides of his mouth about Rush. I didn't put much stock in it at the time, and that was my mistake.But this past Monday, after hearing him on the radio, I have come to the conclusion, the old boy network is still working full force. How disappointing and more importantly disingenuous.Here in Illinois we have a Senate seat up for election in 2010, and the Republicans for the first time in a long time have a shot to get a Republican in there. These are trying times in our Country, and we need to be represented by someone who will represent us, and not for their own political gain.Our primary is February 2,2010, yet the Chairman said on the radio Monday that the party will come out in full force for Mark Kirk.He hasn't won the primary yet, or has he?Something doesn't smell right here in the state of Illinois, and I am looking for answers.Let me just tell you, Kirk isn't the only candidate, but I guess that is what my party wants us to believe. There are at lease 2 other candidates, Eric Wallace and Patrick Hughes, either one is a better choice than Kirk.Now, since I heard Michael Steele talk on Monday, I have been appalled with him and the Republican Party.I feel as an American citizen of this great Country they are taking away my most precious gift, the right to vote.If by chance Kirk is the Republican candidate, I want to be assured he won that process fairly, but not in a calculated way. Don't you think the other candidates are entitled to the same assurance, and more importantly the people of Illinois?When the Chairman of the Republican Party goes on TV and criticizes the Democrats pulling the wool over the American peoples eyes, exactly how does he explain what he is doing to the people of Illinois?I feel as a citizen of Illinois, and very concerned who will be my next Senator, I felt it was my duty to ask the Chairman himself. So I called Washington over and over again till I got a person, not an voice mail. I gave him my name, where in turn, he did not give his. I explained my displeasure in the Chairman with the whole radio conversation. He explained that Michael Steele feels that Mark Kirk is the best choice to win in Illinois.I said, well the people of Illinois feel differently,particularly since he voted YES to cap&trade.I told him about the outrage on the Internet against Kirk, and the talk at tea parties is that we WON"T vote for Kirk no matter what.I also explained to him, that before the cap&trade vote, we flooded his offices here and in Washington with calls, and the true politician he is,he voted against the peoples wishes.He voted for a bill he DIDN'T even read, and if this bill passes in the Senate, the people of Illinois will pay for his mistake.So I ask Michael Steele, and the rest of the Republican leadership,how can you assure the other candidates and the people of Illinois a fair campaign and election? How is this going to be fair to the other candidates, that the full force of the Republican Party, with their unlimited money and foot soldiers will be out against them? Please let democracy work. Let the people of Illinois decide who they want to represent them, not a backroom deal.If Kirk happens to win the primary fairly, then so be it. Then, and only then should the party get behind the nominee.Democracy does work, if you will just give it a chance.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No Asrto Turf Here,Just an American Citizen.

What is wrong with our politicians? Do they really think we are stupid? We might of been guilty at one time of not being to interested in politics,but stupid? No, I would save that branding for people like Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid, and my hometown favorite Dick Durbin.You know they have been in Washington way too long, when they have lost touch with the American people.They work for us, but I guess they have forgotten.They mock us, and call us names. Why? Because we speak out against one of their pet projects. To them its only a project, but to us, its our lives they are messing with. The politicians won't par take in this health-care bill,so they don't care whats inside. Senior citizens are coming out in droves to town hall meetings to voice their opinion and objection to this health-care bill. And rightly so. They call us astro turf, militias,and people who work for special interest groups. Well I hate to disappoint them,the only special interest group we belong to is, being a American citizen. No party affiliation, just Americans worried about the direction our Country is headed, and trying to get our elected officials to listen to us. People are turning up at these town hall meetings prepared to ask valid questions. They have read the bill, they know whats inside and they want answers.Its sad that the politicians don't even know whats inside this 1081 page bill, because they didn't feel it was necessary,but it is necessary, its their job.Now that Washington has awoken the sleeping giant, people are talking, people are on the Internet to stay in touch with what is going on. Its called being informed.Our President, the man who campaigned on transparency, but I guess the transparency he was talking about,looking into all our lives.President Obama came out this past week and said if anyone gets an e-mail you think has false information about the health-care bill, you should forward it to the White House.I don't know about you, but it sure sounds like a snitch detail. I didn't like snitches when I was a kid, and I sure as heck don't like snitches as a adult, especially ordered by the most powerful house in the Country,the White House.What is the government going to do with all these addresses? Its funny, the same week this started, people all over this Country have received unsolicited emails from an Obama affiliation group, and David Axelrod.Now that sure smells of invasion of privacy, but thats me. Where is the ACLU? You know the same ACLU that said George Bush was invading our privacy with wire taps.They were screaming when Americans had taps on their phones, because they were in contact with Abdul. Well, I am sorry, I said it 8 years ago, and I will say it again. If any person in this Country is having contact with someone who wants to harm us, go and tap away. But just remember this one fact, we can count on one hand the people that were violated, (zero) but this time, it has only been a few days and hundreds of Americans have come forward about this. Where is the outrage? Where is the shock,"how could this happen in this country"?Why is there a double standard for the Conservatives of this Country? Are we not all Americans? Everyday, slowly they are chipping away at our rights.Wake up people, get informed before you wake up one day, and the Country, and your rights, that you know and love are GONE! This is the greatest Country in the world. We are not perfect, but we are the next best thing. All I ask is, please get informed.Stay on top of your elected officials, make sure they are doing what is best for YOU, not for them.You have the most powerful tool in front of you, the Internet. Use is! Remember, this also is our Country, it doesn't only belong to the politicians.It is our responsibility, no its our duty, to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. John Adams once said,"liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fishy? Washington is starting to smell like Russia.

How is it that when we start asking questions that concern ALL of us, the White House says we are acting fishy?What is fishy, is that politicians want to intimidate us not to ask questions.But I hate to disappoint them, the more they want me to keep quiet, the more I am going to speak out. What happened to our Freedom of Speech? Did we loose that on January 2oth?That's what it sure feels like.This administration is so coddled, and has been put on a pedestal by the main stream media,that when they hear any disagreements they go ballistic. So now the people of this Country are starting to wake up, and see what really is in store for them and they are frightened, and rightly so.We are speaking out by calling our Representatives, and attending town hall meeting, so our voices are heard. These Representatives work for us, but it seems they have forgotten. The majority of Americans don't want this health-care bill, but the politicians are dead set to forget our wishes.This bill is so bad from every angle, that the politicians want nothing to do with it. Sen. Coburn put an amendment that requires all lawmakers to enroll in the health plan if passed. Guess what? They voted against it.Why? Because they all know its a disaster on all levels.Why is it, that if you are on the left it is your Constitutional right to speak out, but if you are a Conservative,you are part of a mob? By the way we are not a mob, but a scared group of Americans watching are freedoms and liberties slowly going away.The Senators that are mocking these town hall meetings, did they not forget how President Obama got his start? The difference with us, we are civil, where as President Obama has used intimidation and fear to get what he wanted, and sorry to say his antics haven't changed.And to my Senator, Dick Durbin, I do not appreciate when you go on television and say we are a mob, and put together by the insurance industry. No, we are your constituents of Illinois, who pay you to represent us,not sell us out for you your own selfish greed.Senator Durbin,we all know how your accustomed to talking down the military, your very questionable stock trades,anti-American tirades, and typical Chicago thug politics.But for shits and giggles, listen to us, and hear us, quit being Obama's lap dog.I know it sounds like a crazy concept, but maybe once in your sorry career, you can put your job before power and your own selfish greed.You and your Washington cronies have awaken the sleeping monster, and now we are coming after all of you.We the grassroots of America are taking our Country back, the Country that we love so deeply.If politicians won't represent what we WANT, then we will find someone who will!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Six Months To Pick a Dog,Three Weeks To Shove Health-Care Down Our Throats

I understand why the Obamas took six months to choose the right dog for their family. One of their daughters has some sort of reaction to dog fur. Fair enough, and they wanted to choose what dog was right for their family.Shouldn't we all have this same opportunity with our health-care? They get six months, and the politicians want to give us three weeks? Is the Obama family any more important than our families? The politicians in Washington don't care about us or our families, they care about themselves, and lining their pockets at the same time.If this health-care bill is just so wonderful for all of us,I have just one question. Why then are they not signing on to it? Matter of fact, they past a resolution in the house where they don't have to par-take in this catastrophe.This bill is 1018 pages, written by lobbyist, and worded where the average person can't make heads or tails out of it.I am not the only one who say this. Congressman John Conyers of Michigan said on July 27,"what good is reading the bill, if its a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill".President Obama recently said he didn't know what was inside the bill either.. So shouldn't this make you nervous?These same people who want to shove this down our throats,they don't even know what it says, or repercussions it will have for all of us. They don't care, because it doesn't effect them or their families.Here is a sample of what is inside this fine bill:Health-Care rationed,Sec.122,Pg.29/There will be a Government Committee deciding what treatments and benefits you get. Sec.123,Pg.30/Health-Care for ALL non-us citizens Sec.152,Pg. 50-51/Government will have real-time access to individual finances and national ID Health Care card will be issued. Sec.163,Pg.58-59/Health Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You will have no say. Sec.142,Pg.42/Governement will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Senior and low income and the poor are affected./Any Non-Resident Aliens exempt from individual taxes. (We Pay) Sec.59,Pg.170/Government is creating an Health-Care Exchange to bring private plans under government control. Sec.201,Pg.72/Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life, according to preset methods.Sec.1233,Pg.430/Treatment of certain cancer hospitals,cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing.Sec 1145,Pg.272/Government mandates advance (death) care planning consultation. This is end of life counseling, and rationing health care for elderly. Sec.1233,Pg.425./ This is only a small tidbit whats inside the health-care bill. The majority of Americans don't want this, but no one is listening. The politicians that we elect to serve us, have their own agenda, and what is best for us is not on their agenda.We need to call our Senators and
Congressman and demand they vote no for Universal Health- Care.Ask them why they won't participate in this for themselves and their family! The Government is already involved with the post office,Amtrak, Social Security and Medicare. You see what a fine job they have done running these organizations. Do you want these same government bureaucrats to tell you what health benefits you or your family are entitled too? Do you want them to tell you your elder relative is not entitled to anymore help, because at that age, the money won't be spent wisely? Well that's what will happen. This is what is in HR 3200. If you want to be in control of health-care for you and your family,call your representatives, let your voices be heard.Remember they WORK for us! We put them there, we can take them from there.Wake up America, and take your life and Country back. Remember,NOTHING is ever free.If Universal Health-Care passes, then our representatives will have sold our soul to the devil, and God help us all!