Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mr. President, You are a HYPOCRITE !

Well the true colors of our President and the First lady are coming out.They kept saying all through the campaign how they were like us, the working class. He wasn't the typical politician.The koolaid drinkers believed it, I didn't. Why? First, I don't live in a mansion like the Obamas, I live in a nice small apartment.Does the average American live in a mansion? Think not!
I don't have kids, but if I did, I couldn't afford to send them to the private school in Chicago where tuition is around 12,000 a year per child? Is that what the average American pays for schooling for their children? Again, think not.I don't begrudge anyone for what they have, but please don't try to pull yourself off as one of us. It is just insulting. Yeah its wonderful he wants to take his wife out for a date night. Nice, but isn't there any restaurants in Washington,or plays they can attend? Oh I forgot, he promised her. Well, I guess that promise is bigger than the one he made to the American public about spending.Remember when he and the media trashed the heads of the automakers for taking private planes to Washington to testify? They were made out to be villains. My favorite, how he went after Las Vegas. A city that depends on tourism to survive. That is their bread and butter.Saying companies shouldn't visit Las Vegas, it is sending out a bad message. Well Mr. President, what kind of message do you think you sent last night? The message is, you are a typical politician, and you think you are not bound by rules and regulation like the rest of us.Rules you have in place for us. When Josh Earnest was asked by a reporter from the Dallas Morning News,what was the cost? The reply was" he didn't anticipate being able to provide a cost estimate tonight". With all the numbers flying around Washington, you would think they would have an idea what date night cost. Well they do,and they just don't think they need to tell .Shame on you Mr. President, you are a hypocrite, just for once practice what you preach.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What Is Happening???

I don't know what I should write about today,not because of the shortage of topics,on contrary, there are so many things to talk about.Is anyone afraid of the direction our country is headed? Well I am terrified. Unemployment keeps going up. People are still losing their homes everyday. North Korea and Iran keep testing us.Universal Health care that they want to shove down our throats, but in actuality will bankrupt America. President Obama nominated a Hispanic woman for the Supreme Court, and no one is to challenge her because she is a woman and a Hispanic. One question, are we not in this position today, because the media was afraid to challenge Obama on his past? And now they want to float around the VAT:value added tax.Well we all know anything with the word tax in it isn't good.
I don't know about any of you, but if something isn't done fast,unemployment is going to go in double digits.Does anyone remember Jimmy Carter? Well we are going to wish for those numbers.Stop raising taxes on the people who employee others. Cut their taxes,give tax breaks for keeping people on. Wouldn't that be cheaper than to pay their unemployment benefits which for sure will lead to welfare.American people want to work, quit taking the opportunities away.Isn't this the land of opportunity? It is going to look like the Obama land of welfare.Now universal health care is being shoved down our throats, like its the best thing since slice cheese.Yes I think we should all get health care,but we all know nothing is ever free.Free always has a way of having strings attached to it, and in this case, those strings are attached to the working population paying for this.I believe the American poor and unemployed are entitled to free health care, yes Americans. Not illegals, sorry. I have nothing against immigrants, my grandfather was an immigrant. He never asked for anything, came to this country,got his citizenship, worked hard and raised a family.If we can't afford our own citizens, what makes you think we can afford someone else responsibilities? Like my father always told me"money doesn't grow on trees". Its simple.There is only so much money, then it gone.It might seem harsh, but its reality.
Now the VAT:value added tax. Isn't this just dandy, another tax.This is a tax on top of what you already pay statewide.They would like it to be around 10%. In some places in this country you could pay around 20% when you purchase something.They say this will support the health care bill, is that anything like the lottery earnings will support education? And we all know how that worked out. I just have one thing to say to our government leaders, if you keep pursuing this nonsense,remember the Tea Parties on April 15. That won't be nothing,come July 4, there will be millions of American all across this land out on the streets.And any member of Congress or the Senate that is behind this, you will be gone. I guarantee you this. The American people are sick of the the political nonsense and games.We will take our country back, one politician at a time.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mr. President,be a Leader!!

Today is armed forces day. If you see or know someone that was or is in the military, take a minute and thank that person for their service.Without that person, you wouldn't have the freedom that you enjoy today.Its a shame when the people high in government, such as Nancy Pelosi and President Obama don't keep the military in high regard. Oh, they might in front of the camera, but their actions speak louder than words. If you respect the military, and by God you should, then why cut spending in the time of war? Why call them liars? Why release pictures that could hurt them?More importantly, why politicize it?I'll answer that, because they have no honor.Your job Mr.President, is to protect the people of this country, and by any means necessary.Why is it so hard to wrap yourself around this idea?President Obama,you should always be on the military side, no matter what!Especially in front of the media.The campaign is over, and real life is here.You know first hand the real threats to our country. You need to stand up and be a leader, not a puppet to the left wing loons.A leader Mr.President makes decisions on facts, and what is best for the country.A puppet is pulled by strings from groups with their own agenda, and sorry to say, you Mr. President are a puppet for the left wing loons.Prove me wrong, and take a stand, sign an executive order not to release photos or memos about the detainees.These things could only hurt the people in law enforcement.Again, the FBI,CIA and DEA need to know you are on their side. Yes you, no matter what. Stand up for the men and women that are keeping your little girls safe, and others around this great country of ours.I salute the men and women today on Armed Forces Day, and everyday.God Keep them safe.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes

Last night was the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Hearing the reviews, it was more of a love fest for Obama. Another day for his ego to be stroked,how narcissistic. Can we expect anything else from the media, they are the people who got him elected. This is the same group that forgot what real journalism is, when you should report the news, not cover it up because you are in love with a simple candidate. But that is all old news, and we all know,journalism no longer exist. My main gripe is with Wanda Sykes.She is some what funny, I wouldn't pay to see her in person.My question, to the Hollywood Elite, you see, they think they are elite. I think the dirt on my shoe has more class than them. She was up there last night doing her stick, and I guess if you are mean spirited that you are automatically funny.Before you do your jokes, you should check your facts to make sure you say them in the right contexts. She kept saying how Rush Limbaugh wanted the country to fail. How Rush wanted the soldiers to fail. First I like to say to Wanda Sykes, get your head out of your ass because Rush doesn't want the country to fail, he wants Obamas policies to fail. Policies I like to remind everyone, that are going to kill our country. Obama and the left want socialism. Do you? Do you want the government to control all aspects of your life and work? Do you want the government to tax you so high, that they get more from your paycheck than you? I didn't think so.The second thing I like to say to Miss Sykes is Rush Limbaugh doesn't want the military to fail, instead he is one of the biggest proponents for the military.He donates his time and money, and a fierce backer of our men and women in uniform.When was the last time you did anything for the military? When did you write your last check for the wounded soldiers? When was the last time you performed for the USO? If you are anything like the rest of the left, the answer would be negative on all counts. The USO today cannot get enough of Hollywood people to travel with them. How sad. They won't support the men and women that keep them safe in this great country, all the while they are spewing their hate.Our military gives them that right. .And one last thing Ms Sykes, you hoped that Rush Limbaughs kidneys would fail. Funny? I don't think so, but that whole banquet hall laughed. What has happened to our country, when people laugh about wishing ill on someone else? I will tell you, its only funny when they are laughing at the right. But if someone said that same joke about Obama, then you would be a racist, and asked:HOW COULD YOU,AND HOW DARE YOU?Such a double standard.I could also wish the same on Wanda Sykes, but I won't stoop to her level. Karma always has a way of biting you on the ass, and by the size of her ass, it will be quite a bite.So look out,because come 2010, middle America will start to get our country back, and by 2012, the rest of the gang will also be gone. The American people will no longer take this lying down.We love our country, and we are taking it back.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ashamed of prayer?

Today is National Prayer Day, our country has celebrated this day for 58 years.It is not forced upon anyone. It was always nice seeing leaders from other religions get together and pray, and have respect for each others beliefs.It was great to grow up in a country where all religions are embraced, and people weren't ashamed to say they believe in God.Now because of the print and tv media, its some how not politically correct to believe.But interestingly enough, the majority of Americans believe in God, but mainstream media won't acknowledge the facts.

The reason for today's blog is that during the long campaign, President Obama never missed a photo op coming out of a church on Sunday. Great pr! Tell the American people what a good Christian person you are, because you still made time for church.How nicely wrapped is that? But interesting enough, after President Obama won the election, it took him almost three months to attend church. Why? Well there are all kinds of good pr answers, but the truth is, he won, and church was no longer needed.Today is May 7th,2009 National Prayer Day. For 58 years our country has celebrated this day. Its wonderful when a diverse group of people get together, particular heads of religion organization.Where still in some parts of the world you are killed if you don't believe in one way or the other.But this year, 2009, our Christian President celebrated this day by signing a proclamation about this day in private.How shameful is this? President Obama and the mainstream media want to belittle people who believe. How can we forget what he said mockingly about clinging to your bibles and guns.I am proud to be Catholic, and no one today,tomorrow or EVER will tell me who or what I should believe in.That is the sorry thing about President Obama, he has no core, his handlers have to tell him what to believe, and what to say. How sad, but most of all, how scary.Mr. President, I hope in these four years, like they say in my neighborhood, I hope you grow some balls, and tell the left and to shove it, and do what is right for this country that we all LOVE.

On National Prayer Day and everyday: GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goverment Thugs

Is anyone troubled that our government,the high office in particular is running the government like common thugs? Where is the outrage I ask? The banks want to give the money back,but the government won't accept it.Instead they threatened the banks with bad publicity, so their stocks crash, and people pull their money out.Now the government threatens the lawyers for the hedge funds,who are doing their jobs. The government wants the hedge funds to take 10 cents on the dollar in the Chrysler bankruptcy,but the lawyers said no, they want 50 cents on a dollar.President Obama goes on tv, and vilifies the lawyers, while court proceeding are taking place.He was a law professor, and he knows thats wrong. But President Obama doesn't care,he tries to influence the court.Lawyers for the the hedge funds are saying they were threatened. What country do we live in? I thought America, but sure sounds like Russia to me.If you don't agree with this administration, they go after you.I ask, what ever happened to democracy? My answer,it died January 20,2009.