Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mr. President,be a Leader!!

Today is armed forces day. If you see or know someone that was or is in the military, take a minute and thank that person for their service.Without that person, you wouldn't have the freedom that you enjoy today.Its a shame when the people high in government, such as Nancy Pelosi and President Obama don't keep the military in high regard. Oh, they might in front of the camera, but their actions speak louder than words. If you respect the military, and by God you should, then why cut spending in the time of war? Why call them liars? Why release pictures that could hurt them?More importantly, why politicize it?I'll answer that, because they have no honor.Your job Mr.President, is to protect the people of this country, and by any means necessary.Why is it so hard to wrap yourself around this idea?President Obama,you should always be on the military side, no matter what!Especially in front of the media.The campaign is over, and real life is here.You know first hand the real threats to our country. You need to stand up and be a leader, not a puppet to the left wing loons.A leader Mr.President makes decisions on facts, and what is best for the country.A puppet is pulled by strings from groups with their own agenda, and sorry to say, you Mr. President are a puppet for the left wing loons.Prove me wrong, and take a stand, sign an executive order not to release photos or memos about the detainees.These things could only hurt the people in law enforcement.Again, the FBI,CIA and DEA need to know you are on their side. Yes you, no matter what. Stand up for the men and women that are keeping your little girls safe, and others around this great country of ours.I salute the men and women today on Armed Forces Day, and everyday.God Keep them safe.

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