Monday, December 21, 2009

We Will Not Be Silenced

As the Holidays and 2009 come to a close, we should take stock in our lives,our family and our everyday decisions.We should ask ourselves was 2009 what we hoped,and what do we hope to gain in 2010? As our Country is headed for some trying times,I can only hope that people remember what really is important with them, as well as their families.We have become a Country of entitlement, and laziness, sorry, but that is the truth.Our parents, and their parents before them,worked hard and provided for their families,and didn't ask for a handout. They did what had to be done to put food on the table.They worked one job or many,just to do what was expected of them,taking care of ones own family. They didn't believe it was the governments responsibility,but their own. Our parents and grandparents took pride in their families,not in the materialistic sense as you see today,but a sense of pride in the family they were raising. Their priorities was making sure there was food on the table,and their kids had a warm coat to wear.They were not stuck on a brand label,or the new in thing to wear. What was important was, is it clean and does it fit?They were smart enough not to succumb to others telling them what they should or should not wear.I remember my Father asking me why we he should pay to advertise someone else goods,he thought they should pay him if they wanted their goods worn.Needless to say, I didn't get what I asked for.Today parents are preoccupied on buying their kids "things" than parenting.If parents spent the same amount of time with their children,as they do in searching for the new "in item", I believe so many families wouldn't be so dysfunctional.Today parents can't think for themselves,they let outside outlets dictate whether or not they are a good parents. It doesn't make you a good parent to buy a PS3 or X-box,but it does make you a bad parent if your child isn't doing his/her best in school and you still reward them.It doesn't make you a good parent to buy the newest fashion item,but it does make you a bad parent when your child doesn't respect herself or her parents.Parents today need to take full responsibility for their children they bring into this world,that is the most important job they could have.Their job is to raise well adjusted functioning human beings.A parents job is to make sure their child goes and finishes school,and if they fall behind,a parents duty is find the tools that will help them.But somewhere along the way,parents no longer feel that way. They think it is the job of teachers and society to form their child,sorry,society didn't bring that child here,you did.I have witnessed parents buying things just so they didn't have to deal with their parental duties.These same parents think buying their kids whatever they want,makes them a good parent. Sorry,it not only makes you a bad parent,but a lazy one also. What have they taught their kids by these actions? You can get whatever you want,and you don't have to work for it.Why should a kid do good in school, or not act up after school, when they know they will be rewarded for doing nothing.And that is where we are at today,people believe they are entitled and someone else should pay.

I am 47 years old, and I can not believe how times have changed since I was a kid. I loved Christmas time, and all its beauty,the trees,ornaments and the lights.I especially loved when neighborhoods of houses would decorate with all their festive lighting.How beautiful and magical it looked.I remember going to visit Santa, and telling him what I wanted. Then as an adult taking my nieces Dana and Michele also to see Santa, and looking at the beautiful Christmas windows at Marshall Fields.What wonderful memories they were,but I also remember hearing Merry Christmas in and out of the stores.There was nothing wrong or PC about saying it,it was that time of year,and the right thing to say. Now we live in a PC world, and it doesn't matter that the majority of Americans believe in Christmas,but the PC police want us to say "Happy Holidays".I am sorry it is Merry Christmas, and to my wonderful Jewish friends,Happy Hanukkah.This is what is wrong with society,people want to nit pick on things that make the majority of us happy,and start a fake debate that my happiness makes someone else uneasy.We are a large Country,with all kinds of likes and dislikes, and like our parents before us,learn to get along.Now a poll was just taken, and it said 93% of the Country believed in God . Isn't that wonderful? I think so,but the 7% that don't,want to change the rules for everyone.Have you noticed over the years, little by little they are trying to take God out of our lives?Yes we prospered as a Nation, but the morals and humanity of people have fallen dramatically. I wish I was an adult in the 50's or 60's,how simple life seemed.People appreciated what they had, and didn't take the simple things for granted, as we do today. There was more of a family structure then, were as now, families just seem to pass in the night.I want to live in the 50's-60's but with today's technology of the Internet.Having this magnificent tool at my finger tips is truly remarkable.I was not into social networking,but during the election I gave it a whirl to see what it was like,and there is no turning back now.I have met so many like minded people like myself, who love this Country,two in particular,Cynthia from Ohio, and Jeff from Washington, I think of them as my Internet Angels.These are just two of many who are trying to keep others informed on what is happening around us. At first I thought we were a silent minority,but come to find out,far from a minority, more like ,we have become the majority.It is a good thing we have other outlets from where we get our news, and that we are not dependent only on the mainstream media,who lately seem more like state run media.To the 7% out there,God Bless the Internet.I know the 7% have their panties in a knot now, trying to figure why I said that. Well,I thank God everyday for the blessings He has given me,and in one of those blessing was being introduced to the Internet,where I have come to blog about our Country,and the direction I feel we are headed.

I would like to take this to time wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.We might have lost this round of the Health Care Bill,but we will win the war on saving our Country from these elitist politicians who put their agenda a head of the Country.They have awoken the sleeping giant,or let the Jeannie out of the bottle,or whatever you want to call it.The year 2010 is going to go down as the year of the American people. We are going to vote out those politicians,both Republicans and Democrats, the same politicians who have treated the Constitution like a piece of trash,and forgot the representation we were looking for, was not how fast they can line their pockets with bribes.We have had it with Chicago style politics,where it is their way or the highway. We are through with the secret backroom deals,especially when this President campaigned on transparency,but then again he is a Chicago politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth.We are through with the bullying, and the thuggery that is taken place in Washington right now.This administration is forcing Senators and Congressman to further this White House's agenda,even though it isn't what their constituents want.We are going to get the word out about what really is going on in Washington. We will be emailing,face booking,twittering, phone calls, and mailings. The word will get out, and the American people will know the talking points that the White House is spewing,is only words with NOTHING to back it up.So after we clean houses in 2010,next stop is changing the Obama's address back to Chicago.

So again,Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. May God Bless each and everyone of you and your families.