Friday, September 18, 2009

Domestic Terrorst from our own Government?

What has happened to the elected officials we send to Washington?Do they loose compassion for the human race when they breathe that Washington air? Did they forget their job is to represent the people, and not to advance their own agenda? I am sorry to report this what has happened. There is a community in Huron California, right now unemployment is at 40% because our government shut the water off to this community, are you ready for this, to save the Delta Smelt. I am not lying, I wish I was.Our government has ruled that the fish are more important than the people and the land in this community.This area was called the Bread Basket of the World, because they are the capitol of the world for,cantaloupe,almonds,artichokes,strawberries,and olives. These products,one or more are in our households, they feed our families ,yet the government still believe that the smelt is more viable then the people and their livelihoods. Thousands of people are standing in food lines for hours, so they can put food on the table, remember no fault of their own, but the fault of environmentalist, and our government.How could this happen, in this day in age?A farmer, Mr. Soto said,"we did everything right, we don't want a hand out, we just want the government to turn the water back on".Why are the politicians so concerned about giving illegal aliens health-care, but turning their back on legal immigrants who just want to work and support their families?Where are the politicians that want to be front in center on camera for the illegals, but are nowhere to be found for citizens that want to pull their own weight?There is half a million acres of land that has been idle due to the draught,and farms that have been in families for generation are threatened to be gone.How is this happening in America? You expect this from a third world country, but not America. Are we not home of the free, and land of opportunity? So I thought.Why has Nancy Pelosi,Speaker of the House,refused 6 times to bring this measure to the House Floor?People are starving, and loosing their livelihood and this isn't important? But admonishing Joe Wilson for yelling,"you lie", is? Where are her priorities? What about our President, where is he? Fifty two Mayors in the surrounding area have sent a letter to the President to explain the dire straits this community is in, and still no water. Is this the Hope he was talking about, because if it is, we are doomed.The Liberals and the environmentalist have for 10 years trying to turn this area into a desert.The government ruled on on June 6,2009 that delivering water to these farms will hurt the whales.For Gods sake, what about the people? What has happened to the people of this Country, when we don't value life, it is the greatest gift from God, we should treasure it, not hurt it.Last night in Washington,the Hispanic Caucus Gala took place. I just read about all the power and glitz,Mark Anthony,J-Lo,John Leguizamo,Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer, to name a few. All I can say, is SHAME ON YOU!! There are people in Huron, California who are suffering, yet they are living it up in Washington.President Obama, said,"Our destiny is shared,we are all Americans". Yeah, then who are the people in California? You see, it takes something like this to show politicians and others their true colors. President Obama, other politicians and some celebrities, are elitist like I have said before. They don't care about you and I, unless there is a camera around, and sorry to say, if they have anything to gain from the situation.My God, how does the President has no face, standing in front of the Hispanic Caucus Gala, knowing full well he cut off water to a largely Hispanic community, and taking away their livelihood for a smelt.Does this man think, he can actually walk on water, and do whatever he chooses with no repercussions? This is beyond shameful. This is unacceptable behavior from the President of the United States.Is there a bigger picture in the plan here?Last night the ex-mayor of that community was on,Mr. Autry,he believes the government is killing the farming community, so they can start up their solar farm.I hope this isn't true, but reprehensible would be a under statement if it is. We have to take into account this green movement that they are shoving down our throats.Their energy bill mandates what kind of bulbs, windows, insulation, heating, air conditioning, and energy consumption we will use. They keep telling us we should be off of foreign oil, but won't allow drilling here, but as of today we are getting more oil from Countries that just want to harm us.If we allow the government to control the most fertile ground in this country, that grows are food, where will it stop? Are we going to import are fruits and vegetables like oil? The toys that are imported,that are children play with, are not safe. Why would that be any different with our food?When is the government control over our lives going to stop? What community will they go after next? When you have someone like Cass Sunstein in this government, who believes animals should have more rights than humans,what chance do we have? I will tell you. We are AMERICANS!! We will stand up and be heard, and yes they will hear us. This is our Country also. Remember, the politicians as well as our President is a servant to us? We will not be, today or ever, be a servant to the politicians. So please call Washington, and DEMAND they turn the water back on in Huron California, 202-456-1414. If we don't stop them here,what area of our lives will they go after next?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

He Lied,Enough Said!

Can someone please explain to me the thinking of our politicians? Because I truly believe they don't think. They are all about grand standing.They all play these ridiculous games, all the while our Republic is spinning out of control.Yesterday, all day on television the politicians were talking how they wanted to admonish Joe Wilson on the House floor, for his out burst at President Obama during is State of the Union speech. Don't get me wrong,he shouldn't of yelled,"you lie", or anything for that matter.I understand is frustration,because I felt the same as I was listening to him speak. He apologized to the President, and the President accepted his apology. That should of been the end of it, but no,they wanted to make Joe Wilson grovel. With these childish antics you would think there wasn't anything going on in our Country,or no pressing issues.What they should of been doing is proposing legislation in stopping ACORN from getting anymore funding. ACORN has so far received 54 million dollars since 1994, and they are schedule to receive 8.5 billion dollars more,yes that is billions with a "b". There are at least 17 state probes going on as of today, not counting the four videos that were released recently.We have to ask ourselves, why Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has refused 6 times to bring legislation to the floor to investigate or stop funding to ACORN? Common sense tell us, that either she is in bed with this corrupt organization,covering for someone else,or both. My money is on both.It doesn't take someone with a law degree to figure this out, but the elitist politicians want us to believe they know what is best for us, so in that instance as usual, we end up with the short end of the stick.If the house wants to admonish someone, why don't they start first with Charlie Rangel (NY), and John Murtha (PA).Charlie Rangel "forget to claim money on a rental unit", forgot, try using that excuse with the IRS, see what they tell you. But the kicker here is, Charlie Rangel is on Committee that writes the tax laws,in his defense maybe he was in the bathroom when they wrote that law.This Congressman from New York, thinks the American public is not paying enough in taxes, and believes we should pay more.What does he care, he doesn't pay his, and no one is forcing him either? Now John Murtha has a good idea, he likes pay for play deal. Give Murtha a big donation, and he will award a nice contract to you. Maybe he has something there! How about we only pay our elected officials on the work they actually do on our behalf? Do you think then they would be wasting our time with amendments admonishing Joe Wilson or any other trivia things? Probably not.Yesterday, before the admonish vote,they brought up under section 370,get this:In the House,your not allowed,ready for this, To Call the President a Liar,Hypocrite,Cowardly,Intellectually Dishonest,Giving Aid & Comfort to the Enemy, and my favorite,but don't quite understand why:Alleged Sexual Misconduct on the Presidents Part. What the heck is that? People are loosing their jobs and homes everyday, and this is what our elected officials are doing in Washington?Where is the same hysteria about saying to the President "you lie", then for the radicals that are surrounding the President? Its like all smoke screens and mirrors. Just remember, they are mad for calling the President out,but ignoring the fact that the President did, I will say it,lied.The President talks a great game, I will give him that,but if you talk about something, at least read what you are talking about.The President and most politicians have no idea what is in the health-care bill,because they DID NOT WRITE IT. The lobbyist and SEIU (union) wrote the bill, and just informed the politicians what is inside.Do you know who read the bill? The American people read the bill, in particular seniors. That is why we know what is in store for us, and that the majority of Americans watching the speech felt the same as Joe Wilson. He said what all of us were saying in our homes, on our couches, but the President only heard Joe Wilson. Now because we disagree with the President, it can't be the policies,but race? Please give me a break.How many times are we going to use the race card? Enough is enough. No one cares if the President is black,white,brown,yellow, or purple with pink polka dots. We are saying we are unhappy with this bill, no more like terrified, and we are voicing our opinion. It really makes me crazy when President Jimmy Carter,who I believe is the WORST president in history,says the out burst from Joe Wilson was "based on racism".This is the same knucklehead who left us with double digits unemployment, and interest rates in the twenties.Please, give me a break. What about the other ding a ling,Rep. Hank Johnson said if we don't admonish Joe Wilson," if we don't censure Joe Wilson, the KKK will ride through the countryside". Who are the people who elected this man? Hello, the American public elected a black man, well half black,but whatever. So let me be clear, if anyone disagrees with President Obama, it is because he is black,and not his policies? Give me a friggin break, and please get your head out of your ass and get back to reality.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What the Hell Is Going on In the White House?

Can you please tell me what is going on with our government? Why do we elect Congressman and Senators anyhow? Exactly what are their duties? They campaign on false promises. They only care about themselves, and how to advance their own agenda. Each and everyone of the sitting Congressman and Senators who are up for election in 2010, need to go. I don't care if they are a Republican or a Democrat they need to be kicked out.They have failed their constituents, but more importantly they have failed America.They all took an oath, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to protect their fellow Republicans and Democrats. My question is, why is this? The Constitution is being shredded on a daily basis. It has only been 242 days, and the changes that are being implemented and the people surrounding our President are making my head spin.Why are the politicians silent?Why is the media silent?These are very important questions, and no one seems to want to answer them.What is going on in the White House? Why would they want someone like Van Jones? He is the Green Jobs Special assistant to the President, a self avowed Communist.He says white environmentalist are steering poison into the minority neighborhoods, and that whites are spraying toxins on immigrants working in the field.This is just a tip of this man, a man that Valerie Jarrett said was happy to bring into the White House.What about Cass Sunstein? He is the Regulatory Czar, Chicago boy,he says hunting should be outlawed,pets should be able to sue,and that we should have population laws.John Holdren, Science Czar. He believes in compulsory abortions, and sterilization of woman.Mark Lloyd,FCC Diversity Czar.He authored a book,Prologue to A Farce. Here is a quote from HIS book,"my focus here is not freedom of speech or press, this freedom is all to often an exaggeration ...... blind references to freedom of speech or press." EXAGGERATION! Excuse me, freedom of speech is our right, guaranteed under our Constitution!! But I guess Mark Lloyd who doesn't believe in the First Amendment, has now been hired by our President to overlook what is going on the airwaves.Can this get any goofier? There are at least three dozen Czars in the White House, and the thing you have to remember about Czars, they only answer to the President.They didn't have to go through the Senate, and they also bypassed a FBI vetting.These people were hired this way, because this administration KNEW they would never get through with all their baggage.Where is that transparency that Obama talked about all through the campaign?Why isn't the media holding his feet to the fire?Maybe, because they have been in bed with him from the beginning, they are afraid of the answers.What do you think about Harold Koh? Another friend from Harvard,he was hired to work in the State Department. He thinks, get this, we should follow Sharia Law in some cases. Are you kidding me? We are American. This is America, use American Law, not foreign law.So again, I ask, where are our elected officials, on both sides of the aisle? I hold them all accountable.Why are they not demanding how much are these Czars are getting paid, what are their exact duties, where are their offices, and who works in their offices.Logical questions, right? So why isn't anyone asking? So again I ask, what are the duties of our elected officials? We know they didn't write the stimulus bill, because Unions,lobbyist, and the Apollo Alliance group did.And guess who is on the board of the Apollo Alliance, and who also was instrumental in the writing of the stimulus bill,Jeffrey Carl Jones.Who is that, you ask, well he was co-founders with William Ayers with the Weather Underground Group. This group is responsible for bombings in New York and also the Pentagon.Why is our President, surrounding himself with people that are Communist,Marxist, and Socialist? What is he building? What did candidate Obama mean on October 30,2008, when he said,"we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."You have to ask yourself, does President Obama hate this Country? We all hope he doesn't, but isn't logical to ask, if he does love this great Country, why then does he surround himself with individuals who hate America and want to change it fundamentally? Isn't this the same Country where Barack Obama grew up? He attended Harvard and Columbia Colleges,lives in a mansion,was elected State Senator,Senator, and now President Of the United States? Yeah, it is, so you have to ask yourself, why would President Obama want to change a Country that has been so very good to him? And if he doesn't, again, why does he surround himself with individuals who are Communist,Marxist and Socialist and want to change the America we know and love?Wake up people,remember we are not servants of our government, they are servants to us.Call Washington and demand they answer your questions.We deserve to be heard.If we do nothing,the Country we all know and love will forever be transformed.It is our responsibility, no, its our duty to save the Republic, because our elected officials have turned their backs on us and the Constitution.So please call, and ask why our President is surrounding himself with Marxist,Communist and Socialist. Here are the numbers:202-456-1414/202-225-3121.......Don't believe me, Google the names of the people in this White House and see for yourself. God help us all, and God Bless the United States of America.