Monday, April 4, 2011


Is everyone living under a rock? Where is the outrage that our government is thinking about arming the rebels in Libya? Who are these rebels? Are they part of the Muslim Brotherhood? Are they associated with Al Qaeda? Why am I the only one asking this question? Where in Gods green earth is the so called investigative reporters? Yeah I know,they are trailing Charlie Sheen's every move....because Charlie getting high and making an ass out of himself will put me and my loved ones in danger,and yes we should cover him. NOT! I just wish the media covered the comings and goings in Washington as they do train wrecks as Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. If so, the politicians would not be getting away with running this great Country into the ground. I really want to understand why we are helping the people of Libya,when the Iranian people were begging for our help,no, more like pleading? Why not,Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Tunisia,Yemen,Bahrain or for that matter North Korea? Why Libya.....they were not a threat to America or the African region for that matter. Iran is a threat to America,their people and surrounding region,yet we put on blinders and bow to them. Why? How do we send our brave men and women into harms way,WITHOUT consulting Congress? President Obama thought it was ok to consult with the United Nations and the Arab League.....but NOT the United States Congress? What really makes me outraged is, President Obama made these decisions while on vacation in Brazil, and it took him ten days to speak on this very important matter. How would you feel if you were a parent, or spouse of a loved one who was sent into harms way,but our Commander in Chief was not around to explain why he was doing this? President Obama who campaigned against President Bush's choice of going into Iraq with all his slogans and rhetoric, and made it a focal point of his least President Bush went before Congress. This is just another example of this administration going around the Constitution. President Obama said there would NOT be any boots on the ground,but he just deployed 2000 Marines to Libya.......what the hell for? Can someone PLEASE in the media ask this all too important question? Maybe a analyst from ESPN can ask him,we all know how Obama likes talking to the sport guys.

Has anyone seen or heard from Eric Holder lately? Where is he,and what purpose does he serve? I know his job title is Attorney General,and that title implies he is chief law enforcement officer....but where in the job description it says:enforce certain laws,and put blinders on for others? Nowhere to be exact.Curious since he has taken this job,he has called us cowards,turned his back on the Constitution,but then who hasn't in this administration? He refused to charge the Black Panthers with video tape proof of voter intimidation because, in his words not mine,"bringing charges would demean his people". His people? What the hell is that? Does he or does he not work for all the people in this Country? Why no charges against Obama's trusty neighbor and his wife? Remember them? William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn from the Weather Underground....yeah maybe they only killed a couple of cops,blinded one, and destroyed government property.But as Obama loves to say, he was 4 when this happened,so he shouldn't be blamed. Well we are not blaming you, we are judging you by the company you keep....and for the record,the company you keep would make Saul Alinsky smile,but ANYONE who loves this Country,it makes them cringe.That is a discussion for another day,back to matter at hand. Ayers and Dohrn have helped in the funding of the Flotilla that tried to go to the Gaza Strip carrying ARMS to attack Israel.They are on tape bragging about this, and nothing happens.No media coverage of this,wait there was coverage,but somehow they felt compelled to leave out the facts of what really went down, and WHO was funding this operation. The media loved showing how Israeli soldiers were defending themselves,but of course they didn't use the words defending,but more like attacking innocents on a boat carrying arms into a area where they were told to turn around by the Israeli Army.My personal opinion,they should of just sunk the boat....what would of been lost? Nothing but some freedom hating individuals.As Valerie Jarrett's hero Van Jones loves to say,"ends justify the means". Here I couldn't agree more.Now Stephen Lerner,who has visited the White House,more than once has also been caught on tape stating that he wants to bring down our financial system and banks,and hopefully that would bring down our Country. His plan is for this to take place in May,he goes in detail on what he will do and what is needed. But yet again, there is silence coming out of the DOJ. Why? Because friends of this President who hate this Country and what it stands for, get Carte Blanche treatment. This is TREASON plain and simple, and what will it take for this Attorney General to do his job? I know he has been busy looking to charge Roger Clemons with perjury,because the ex ball player lied to Congress about steroid usage.You can threaten a white person on how to vote,fund violence,plan and plot to bring down a institution, but God forbid you lie to the idiots in Congress, the full force of the Department of Justice will be on your ass. It doesn't matter that the idiots in Congress lie to us on a daily basis,what matters is that Roger Clemons "lied" about steroids.

This administration has been talking for days of threatening to shut down the government if a budget for 2010 isn't done. Are you kidding 2010.....why is it taking so long? This administration has had a majority in both the House and Senate for two years, and NOTHING was done. Why? Politics maybe? Of course, politicians,on both sides of the aisle love to play politics with our lives and mostly with our Country.This Country is broke, and there is no two ways about it. There is no more money to borrow,so we have to make cuts to put our House in order. Every American does this every month to run their household,but somehow our government believes in the mentality we need to spend our way out of debt.This is nonsense and plain stupidity of Harvard graduates who work in and around this White House.There is fraud and waste knee deep in our government,but no one wants to clean it up. I propose that we abolish ALL pensions for past and present elected officials. Talking about a ponzi scheme this is one for sure. A elected official needs to serve just one term,and they are entitled to health care and a pension the rest of their lives.Our Founders had in mind,that the elected SERVE the PEOPLE, not PEOPLE SERVE the ELECTED.Now both sides want to spew their rhetoric, but forget about the job they were elected to do.We need a budget,like last year,so quit your belly aching and do your job.President Obama has said that only the essential would be paid,and who would this might be? Well somehow it isn't our brave military,but the corrupted pigs in Washington who have made this mess we are in today.Who is more essential than the military? No one is, and that is for damn sure.Our military,who are the BEST in the WORLD,should vote first and be paid first,end of story, not the other way around, as it has been in the past. Politicians on the other hand,should be paid according to what they do, and NOT on what they DON'T DO. If there is not a balance budget every year,then they should not be paid.Majority of the politicians only care about greed and power,and that is why there are so many career politicians......and they need to go. As I write this a deal was made and a shut down was diverted. President Obama said," today we acted on behalf of our children",is he kidding? With the money he has spent and the debt he has brought to every child in this Country is $30,419.00,and we should be thankful? Can you imagine what the number would be if no cuts were made and he was allowed to spend spend and spend? The children of the future are screwed and all they did was be born to a bankrupt society. Lucky them...NOT! As I listen to Rep.Boehner and Senator Reid with their respective speeches, and give themselves accolades on what just happened,they also give kudos out to certain people, stating how hard they worked and the time put in. I would like to remind Reid and Boehner,they got us in this mess,and they are doing what they are paid to do,as well as their staff. Both Reid and Boehner,should of apologized to the American people for what they have put us through,but of course they did not. They don't deserve kudos, they deserve a swift kick in the ass!!