Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why Don't They Listen To Us?

Here we go again! When are these politicians going to get it? When are they going to start to listen to us? Yesterday, the Energy Bill came up for a vote. One of the most important bills in American history. This Bill will effect young, and old.White,black,all of America. You would think, a Bill of this size would get some play in the media or newspapers. You would think, right? But sorry to say no coverage. I really don't know whats going on this country. Are the politicians and the media trying to make jerks of us? For one week, the media was talking about National Health care and why we need it.I know that is a very important topic, but what the House was going to vote on was Energy. Where was the coverage?Where is this transparency that Obama wants to keep talking about? He promised the bill would be put online 5 days before it is voted on, so we ALL can take a look at it. It was more like 5 hours. The Bill started out to be around 1201 pages, and then lo and behold over 300 pages were added after 3:00 am. What is that? What are they hiding in this bill? Why in the dark of night the secrecy? Who is going to have anytime to read this? But that's it, they don't want anyone to read it, just vote.I bet with over 400 politicians there, I bet not one read it.These are the people that are trusted to represent us.Answer me this, how do you vote on something, that you don't know whats inside? Do we sign contracts without reading the fine print? No, because we want to know wants in store for us. But politicians don't care about us, they are only out for themselves. And sorry to say, its getting more apparent everyday.Voters have been burning the phones lines talking to their Representative to let them know that they wanted him or her to vote NO. The switchboards were jammed. We were calling their state offices, and their local offices. Our voices we thought, were being heard.Why take our phone calls, if you are not going to listen to the people in your districts?What did you get for selling us out? I hope it was worth it, because come the next election you are gone. One in particular,Congressman Kirk.Yes you, Congressman. How do you call yourself a Conservative when YOU voted YES to the largest tax increase in American history? How Congressman do you explain this? Was selling your soul to the devil (Pelosi) worth it? Today, all people across the board are having a rough time. How will you explain that, come next year when their utilities will almost double each month? When the elderly, and the poor can't turn the heat up to keep warm, or the air to keep cool? Oh, I know, because in this tightly guarded bill, the government will eventually control the thermostat. Sounds nutty huh, but that's only one of many scary things inside this bill.Why do politicians think that we need more government in our lives? Government is the problem, not the solution. The only time I want government around is to keep my friends and family safe.All other times,GET THE HELL OUT!
Please people, we have one last chance to defeat this terrible bill. Call your Senator everyday and tell him or her to vote NO on the Energy Bill.Then tell 5 friends, have those friends tell 5 friends and so on.If this bill passes the Senate, there will be more government intrusion and bureaucracy in our lives, and there will be no turning back.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wake Up America

Today as I was washing dishes, I had a epiphany about President Obama. I think Obama was a stooge or a tool that the good ole boys used to get him elected.You see, as he was running for President, the old boy network, media, and Hollywood were marketing this man.He had no executive experience,didn't accomplish much as a State Senator, or a Senator.He voted present more times than actually voted.If you looked at his qualifications on paper, you would think this is a joke,this person can never be president. But the marketing paid off, and guess what,we have President Obama.It was slick marketing, they only put out what they wanted seen and heard.The first African American, but in reality, he is half white. A Christian family man,but the fact is, the church he belonged to spewed hatred and racism.How he worked is way up , from meager means.Then to end up running for President of the United States.Sounds nice, but just a few things first. His Grandma worked hard to put him in prep school. He attended Occidental,Columbia Colleges,and Harvard Law. By the way, to this day, all records of Obama are sealed.His grades, writings, and more importantly, who financed his education. It might sound trivia to you, but who does he owe his gratitude too?These important questions need to be answered, just to see what direction he is leading us.He campaigned on change, but did people really question the change he was talking about? No, they didn't.If people really listened to him, to what he was really saying, he would of never won the election.The media turned this election into a movie.Every soundbite,handshake, and every look was orchestrated.The American people were played.Too lazy for themselves to really listen to what was coming out of his mouth. We were spoon fed, what the media wanted us to know.He campaigned on how he wanted to change America? Whats wrong with America? We are not perfect, but we are the next best thing.He wants to change the Constitution.Why?He wants to redistribute the wealth.Why? Because, he thinks we all should be on one level. But I am sorry, I don't work hard, so someone else can take and give to someone who doesn't work as hard.This is America, for Gods sake. We can be or do anything.Just follow your dreams. Hard work really pays off.For all the people out there, that say we don't pay enough in taxes, I say, fire your accountant, and file EZ Form .Give the government 60% or more of your check. Because I think the majority of Americans think they are entitled to their own money, and the government shouldn't be a silent partner in their lives.There are so many things on the horizon. America, wake up and take notice of what is happening.Once these changes are made, there won't be any turning back. Lets start with Cap and Trade, every household in this country, will pay between $2,000.-4.000 more per year.Don't you think your utilities are high enough now? Just wait. What about National Health Care Reform, sounds nice,but one thing. We can't afford it.His own budget office said, it will cost 1 trillion dollars, and still 35 million people won't be covered.Where will this money come from? Well they are throwing around the VAT tax. That is a national sales tax.What do you think this will do to businesses? People will only be able to afford the necessities.This will kill businesses across the board.Think about this, the lottery was established in some states so the proceeds would fund education.Well, we all know how that worked out.Remember how Obama campaigned that 95% of the people will get a tax break? Well it is more like 100% will be affected by this. Is this the change you were looking for? This is not a Republican or a Democrat issue, this is an American issue.We need to stand up and be heard.Our politicians don't care about us,whether they are Democrats or Republicans, all they care about is themselves and lining their pockets for their own good.Stand up America, call your politician and tell them you won't stand for anymore taxes. Enough is enough.Maybe if enough of us stood up, the politicians would get the message and do what they are paid to do:REPRESENT US.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sad Day In America

Remember years ago when we watched on TV, a Reagan campaign commercial? Its theme was a new day in America. Well today, is a new day, but a sad day for America. Our country and its greatness is slipping away, all by the hands of the man who took the oath to protect us. Yes that man is President Obama.Today free enterprise is in danger, not because of failed business ideas, but government intervention.Car dealerships across this country are being closed, not because they are not profitable, but because the government says so. Some don't want to say its political, but I am going to say it. It is political retribution from the last election. Did any of you think you would live in a country where government takes away your livelihood at a moments notice? What about the livelihoods of their employees? Well folks you do, and its right here in America.This is not only sad, but very scary.After this, how can we be assured that government will not try to take over another aspect of this country, but wait they have. Remember the banks? Now tell me,why would any American want to go into business, when one day the government can take your livelihood right from under you? I know it sounds bizarre,but its happening as you are reading this.Where is the so-called media covering this? Why only select networks are caring the stories of families loosing everything? How come no TV or print media has went into the background of the Car Czar that Obama appointed?Steve Rattner has a very questionable history, but then again only questionable people are serving the President.But the one important fact about Steve Rattner, he has no car experience.But the experience he does carry, along with the rest of the shady characters in the White House is shaking down and intimidation.I guess these are the new credentials for working for the government.
Its not even six months yet, but sure feels like a lifetime. Our unemployment is 9.4% and rising,interest rates are on the rise,and optimism is falling, not daily but hourly.The Europeans are moving right, as we have taken a HARD LEFT.The Chinese announced today a 47% increase in car sales, and lower taxes.A Russian newspaper has reported that America is on the path to Socialism.Is this the change you wanted? Well this is the change Obama campaigned on, how he wanted to change America,redistribute wealth,and most importantly change the Constitution.And all these things are happening right under your nose.Wake up America, before its all gone.Stand up, and be heard. Call your local and state Representatives.Call your local papers and networks and tell them you demand they start reporting the news.Tell them to quit their love fest with this administration, and report the news.Enough is enough!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chicago's Finest

Today is a sad day for Chicago, and the extended Valadez family. We mourn a man, and a organization who put their lives on the line everyday for our city. They are a group of men and women who are under paid and over worked.They are under appreciated by politicians and the media,but the average person is grateful for their service.With the murder of Officer Valadez, that makes three police officers killed in the last 12 months.My hats are off to the men and women that make up what I call Chicago's finest,the Chicago Police Department.This group put their lives on the line everyday for you and I.They are an extraordinary group, made up of all walks of life,white,black,brown,all faiths,all nationalities,Republicans,Democrats, men and women.They wear the badge with honor,and don't take their responsibilities lightly.And what do they ask in return?Not much, maybe a contract,more guys on the beat, and maybe someone to have their back if needed.Why do the politicians play politics with the livelihood of the men and women on the police force? Why are Police Officers the last to get the money that is owned to them?Why are politicians the first to get a raise, its not like they deserve it.These questions need to be asked, and answered.We the people need to stand up for what is right, and that is that the Chicago Police Department should get whatever they need. They are the ones protecting the streets of Chicago,not the over paid politician.When you are in need, who answers the call? The policeman, or the politician? Of course the policeman. The only time we hear from our politicians is 6 weeks before an election, if you are lucky.Police officers should be commended for a job well done.Thank you! And I would like to take this time to send my condolences to the Valadez family for their loss, my prayers are with you at this time. To the men and women of the Chicago Police Department, thank you for your service, and God Bless you today, and everyday.