Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why Don't They Listen To Us?

Here we go again! When are these politicians going to get it? When are they going to start to listen to us? Yesterday, the Energy Bill came up for a vote. One of the most important bills in American history. This Bill will effect young, and old.White,black,all of America. You would think, a Bill of this size would get some play in the media or newspapers. You would think, right? But sorry to say no coverage. I really don't know whats going on this country. Are the politicians and the media trying to make jerks of us? For one week, the media was talking about National Health care and why we need it.I know that is a very important topic, but what the House was going to vote on was Energy. Where was the coverage?Where is this transparency that Obama wants to keep talking about? He promised the bill would be put online 5 days before it is voted on, so we ALL can take a look at it. It was more like 5 hours. The Bill started out to be around 1201 pages, and then lo and behold over 300 pages were added after 3:00 am. What is that? What are they hiding in this bill? Why in the dark of night the secrecy? Who is going to have anytime to read this? But that's it, they don't want anyone to read it, just vote.I bet with over 400 politicians there, I bet not one read it.These are the people that are trusted to represent us.Answer me this, how do you vote on something, that you don't know whats inside? Do we sign contracts without reading the fine print? No, because we want to know wants in store for us. But politicians don't care about us, they are only out for themselves. And sorry to say, its getting more apparent everyday.Voters have been burning the phones lines talking to their Representative to let them know that they wanted him or her to vote NO. The switchboards were jammed. We were calling their state offices, and their local offices. Our voices we thought, were being heard.Why take our phone calls, if you are not going to listen to the people in your districts?What did you get for selling us out? I hope it was worth it, because come the next election you are gone. One in particular,Congressman Kirk.Yes you, Congressman. How do you call yourself a Conservative when YOU voted YES to the largest tax increase in American history? How Congressman do you explain this? Was selling your soul to the devil (Pelosi) worth it? Today, all people across the board are having a rough time. How will you explain that, come next year when their utilities will almost double each month? When the elderly, and the poor can't turn the heat up to keep warm, or the air to keep cool? Oh, I know, because in this tightly guarded bill, the government will eventually control the thermostat. Sounds nutty huh, but that's only one of many scary things inside this bill.Why do politicians think that we need more government in our lives? Government is the problem, not the solution. The only time I want government around is to keep my friends and family safe.All other times,GET THE HELL OUT!
Please people, we have one last chance to defeat this terrible bill. Call your Senator everyday and tell him or her to vote NO on the Energy Bill.Then tell 5 friends, have those friends tell 5 friends and so on.If this bill passes the Senate, there will be more government intrusion and bureaucracy in our lives, and there will be no turning back.

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