Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Today is not only the 4th of July, it is Independence Day. It is a day we often take for granted.Most people today are thinking about barbeque's, and fireworks. But its more than that.On July 4th, 233 years ago, 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence, and a Nation was born.Our Founding Fathers are probably turning in their graves today, watching how our Constitution is being shredded.When our politicians are elected, they take an oath,to protect and defend the Constitution.Where are those politicians today? I am talking ALL politicians, both Republicans and Democrats.We have some politicians today shredding the Constitution, and the others standing by. How do they stand by and let this happen to the greatest country in the world? Where is the outrage?When did people in Government start thinking that we work for them, sorry, its the other way around. You work for us.The Founders carefully integrated the three branches:EXECUTIVE,LEGISLATIVE,JUDICIAL so that each one was coordinated with the others and could not function independently of them.So tell me how we have over 20 czars?Who do they answer too?Not the Senate or Congress, but just to the President. This is Unconstitutional! There is a reason checks and balances were put in place.Where is the outcry from our politicians? More importantly, where is the outrage from my fellow Americans?Our Founders believed that using government to protect equal rights,not to provide equal things. Where in the Constitution does it say that government must provide health care for all, especially the poor? What it does say"under no circumstances is the federal government to become involved in public welfare.The Founders felt it would corrupt the government and the poor.NO Constitution authority exists for the federal government to participate in charity or welfare"So again I ask you, where in the Constitution does it say the government must provide health care, and I MUST take it? I'll tell you, nowhere.Yesterday, they said the Senate has attached to the health care bill, you must accept health care, or be fined $1,000.00.Well I like them to try to force this UNCONSTITUTIONAL bill on me, because I am NOT paying it.The Constitution says I have the right to make personal choices,and my choice is not to take part in their health care catastrophe. The Founders believed in the Four Laws of economic Freedom, one in particular is interesting: The Freedom To Fail.So why are we saving banks,insurance companies and auto makers?The Founders also warned that the only way for a nation to prosper was to have equal protection of "rights,"and not allow the government to get involved in trying to provide equal distribution of "things." They also warned against the pooling of property as advocated by the proponents of communism. Samuel Adams said they had done everything possible to make the ideas of socialism and communism unconstitutional.So why did we pick and choose certain dealerships to close? Again unconstitutional.They didn't have the option of "Freedom to Fail, the government took it from them.Now this Cap and Trade bill is headed for the Senate.This bill if passed will change our lives forever, and not for the better. First our utility bills will go up from $2,000-$4,000 per household, per year. That isn't the worst. The government wants to regulate what kind of windows,toilets, heaters, air conditioners and so on. You don't have a choice here, this is what they are trying to mandate on you, in other words,force on you.I don't think the Founders would be very happy today with the politicians in Washington,I think they would be ashamed and saddened.Wake up America, before our great country we all know as America is gone.Start getting involved. Call your politicians and let them know how dissatisfied you are with their representation.Stand up and be heard.Let them know, we won't take it anymore!

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