Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today,22 years ago I lost one of the most important people in my life,my Dad.My Dad was not only a great man,but an honest man.He was by no means a large man in stature,but in my eyes he was bigger than life.There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for me,and I knew he would always be there.He had an answer for everything, and when I would doubt him,he would say,"I am your Father, why would I lie to you"?As a teenager, you think you know everything, and that your parents are just blowing steam, but we don't take in account the life experiences they have lived.I think I am the person today,because of my Dad. My out spoken self, love of family and Country.When I was a teenager, Jimmy Carter was president.How my Father despised this man, for what he was doing to the Country.How he felt he was running the Country into the ground.Unemployment and interest rates were rising.The sparkle and the moral of the American people was fading.Then Ronald Reagan appeared.My Father would tell me," he is going to be a great man,watch and see." I think the reason why my Father liked Reagan, because he showed strength, not the weakness Carter portrayed. My Father was a man with a large heart and a passion for what he believed. He taught me to stand up for what I thought was right,be proud of who I am, and treat people with respect. I feel today our Country is heading down the wrong path, and I feel compelled to speak to anyone who would listen. There are alot of people just like me out there, trying to get our voices heard, we are the new grassroots.The media and the left want to dismiss us, but that's ok, because we are not going away. We just got started.Ronald Reagan spoke on July 17,1980,and today July17,2009 his words speak volumes.He said " work and family are the center of our lives; the foundation of our dignity as a free people. When we deprive people of what they have earned, or take away their job, we destroy their dignity and undermine their families. We cannot support our families unless there are jobs; and we cannot have jobs unless people have both money to invest and faith to invest." This is what the government will do to America if the health-care, and energy bill get passed.They will destroy the family unit as we know it.The media should be reporting the truth of what the real consequence will be if these bills are passed.They are picking what they want to report.When the Congress and the Senate are shoving this health care and energy bills down our throats,where is the reporting? These bills will effect every single person in this Country, but no reporting. Why? They should be going over the pros and cons of each. So the only logical reason for this non coverage is, these bills are bad for America.When they pass through both houses, we will find out what really is in store for us.Is this the transparency that we heard so much about? Just asking. I have always loved my Country, and proud to be an American, but in July of 2001 my eyes were awaken. I took my niece to New York, where we visited Ellis Island. I was excited to walk through the same hallways my Grandfather walked, too come to this great Country.I heard the stories of how all immigrants were treated,like second hand citizens. I cried throughout the whole tour,seeing the pictures,reading the stories.My father always told me stories about the struggle of my Grandfather coming to America.I took it all for granted, until that day,July 2001.I realized what my Grandfather went through, to have a better life. He heard how great America was, and he wanted it for himself. He didn't come here for a handout,he came here for a better life.My Grandfather worked hard,fell in love,got married.He opened a grocery store, a store he had and ran for 60 years.He was the American dream.He believed in this Country, and he knew hard work pays off.We all take for granted what a great Country this is.Most of us haven't struggled for much in our life, matter of fact, its been handed to us. I am not talking handouts, I am talking about being born into a free society.That day, it hit home to me. I would now understand why my Father would keep telling me my Grandfathers story.He wanted to instill in me,hard work pays off,be proud of your Country, but more importantly,be proud of yourself.Now we live in a society where they promote welfare, but not hard work.The media shuns people who say they pay enough taxes, but promotes politicians who turn their backs on their constituents.My Father is no longer here, but if he was here.He would be saddened by the direction we are heading, but hopeful that the spirit of Americans would take their Country back,the same Country that my Grandfather struggled to get to over 100 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Tootsie. Maybe your father is straightening out my father now. I know my dad's 9 kids couldn't snap him out of his liberal ways, as well intended as they were.
