Monday, July 13, 2009

What Justice?

Its another day, and I am shaking my head like,what the heck are they thinking in Washington? But that's it, they are not thinking.Eric Holder, our Attorney General,very educated man,but apparently he wants to be more political, than uphold the law. Remember the law? The job he was hired to do.I know he was appointed by the President,but his job is to uphold the law,and not politicize the office.Eric Holder was involved with 2 controversial pardons with then President Clinton.The first one is with Marc Rich.He was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud,evading $48 million in taxes,as well as running illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis in 1979-1980.But I guess if you have enough money, as Marc Rich does,you can buy a pardon.Well he does, and he did.His wife Denise,with his money was one of President Clintons biggest fundraisers. And who do you think that financed majority of the Clinton library? You got it,Denise Rich so her husband could come back to America,Oh, I didn't tell you, he took off to Switzerland, and waited for the T's to be crossed, and the I's dotted.I guess its nice to have friends in very high places.The second one is quite disturbing.President Clinton pardoned 16 from the Puerto Rican FALN Terrorist group.This group was responsible for over 120 bomb attacks on U.S. targets from 1974-1983.The FBI,prosecutors, and other law enforcement officials were against this pardon, but Eric Holder rebuffed them. He choose not to uphold the law, or listen to others in authority, but instead oks the pardon for someones political gain. Who you ask, because Clinton was leaving? Well Hillary was going to run for Senator of New York and she wanted the Hispanic vote.So I guess by this logic,votes rule over the safety of Americans.Now fast forward to November 2008, election day. The Black Panthers were at a voting precinct in Philadelphia intimidating voters to vote for Obama.Charges were made in November, now this new administration under the direction of Eric Holder, choose to drop those charges.But now the Black Panthers are restricted from going to that precinct again in the next election.Wow, instead of jail time, they are slapped on the wrist.But you might ask yourself, does Eric Holder go after anyone? Sure, ever hear of Sheriff Joe Arpaio? He is from Maricopa County in Arizona.He is doing his job, along with his deputies, by arresting illegals coming into the United States illegally from Mexico through Arizona. He also is raiding places were illegals are housed. But Eric Holder has the whole justice department after Sheriff Arpaio saying he violated their rights? What rights? It seems we the law abiding citizens are ones whos rights are being being violated.Well the cherry on top of this story is that Eric Holder is now going after Vice President Cheney.There are investigating if Cheney had secret meetings to do with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. You know the groups that want to kill us, but I guess this is the the new m.o., its ok to bring harm to Americans, because we won't charge you, and we will look the other way. But if you are someone who tries to keep America safe, you are charged.Does this make sense? Of course not, but I guess being Attorney General of the Unites States you can pick and choose the bad guys over the good guys.So much for upholding the rule of law. But what else is new, everyday our President, the Senate and the Congress are shredding the Constitution. So why should we be surprised?

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