Thursday, April 30, 2009


I just got through reading an article on the ABC news web sight, that was linked from the Drudge Report.If is wasn't for Drudge, I wouldn't know about this article. Well those fine people at ABC, went and located the men, who I would call Heroes who did the "torturing" of the terrorist that want to hurt our country. They showed their faces, and gave their names. Where the hell is the outrage I ask? The mainstream media cares more about the people who are trying to kill us.Do they not care, that we have not had an attack for 8 1/2 years? I care, and I thank George Bush for keeping me,my family and friends safe. No wonder why no one is buying newspapers, or watching tv. They don't report the news, it has all turned into tabloid journalism.What a shame.Where was the reporting during the presidential campaign? Well they weren't in Chicago. Those reporters that were outing the guys from the CIA, why didn't they investigate the corruption that involves Obama?The dirty way he won his Senate seat? The hate filled church that he belonged to for 20 years?Why didn't they insist to show his school records, or for that matter, who paid for his schooling? Till this day, this information is sealed. My question is ,why?But there were no reporters. ABC wants to out the people who have kept us safe. Who runs the news division? But I call on everyone to boycott ABC news, and all ABC tv. Besides loving Obama, they love money. The only way for them to make money is too have ratings, so lets kill the ratings.

Presidents Press Conference

Did anyone check out the press conference from last night?It lasted one hour, and he answered 13 questions.Wow!!Were there real reporters in there, or just people from his fan club? These sure weren't the same group of reporters that were there with George Bush.I sure don't remember at any time that the New York times would ask what about being President enchanted him? Are you kidding me? Its scary, it was like a love fest. Where are the hard questions? Or the accusations for that matter? I liked when he was describing why torture is never good. But my question to our fearless leader:Mr President, if someone had your girls, and the only way to find where they are, is torture. You are saying , you wouldn't use torture. Well then you are a damn liar.Mr. President, you love your girls, and you would do whatever means to find them. So as President, of this great country, your job is to protect us, by ANY means. If by what you call torture, can save just one life, I say its worth it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

100 DAYS

We are approaching the first 100 days. All I can say, if we have a country left by 2012 God bless.
This man, that is my president, is going to go down as the WORST president ever. It is suspecious like he wants to destroy this country. He is taxing the working class to death, killing the defense budget, and bowing down to dictators from other countries.He is more afraid of the left, than terrorist.George Soros talks, and this man, our President, the man that gives Chris Matthews a chill up his leg, and he can't work fast enough for Soros, and the America hating left.
Crazy Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation for a truth squad about questioning the detainees. Is Nancy not happy that our country wasn't attacked?This woman is a nut, just not any nut, a nut who hates America. She is privileged, and lives a privileged life, so why hate a country that has been so good to you? She is an insult to ALL women.She is a liar, and a crook.Are the people in California that stupid that they voted her to represent them? That was a easy question, of course they are. Not all, buy most.People of America, we need to get out in 2010, and vote these Senators, and Congressman out. We need people, who care about us, who work for us.Who will vote for things that are best for our country,not hurt the country.I don't care what party you are for, they ALL need to go.If you want to save the great country we had on January 19,2009, you need to vote the jokers out.Wake up America, and save our country, from the liberal left.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are you kidding me today, the president wants to press charges against the people that have kept us safe for eight years?Just days ago, this wasn't an option, now today, after the wackos at put pressure on him. If the man can't handle the heat from groups like, how do we expect him to protect us? I 'll tell you how, he won't. This man bows to Saudi Arabia, almost french kisses the dictator Chavez.He is a weak man. When we get attacked again, it will be our fault some how. Because according to the prez, everything bad is because of the United States. He forgets, people around the world have freedom today, because of blood of Americans. What has he ever done for his country? I 'll tell you NOTHING!! Oh, I am sorry, he did something, he has made us unsafe. He releases papers on so called torture. But I call on the President there are more important papers out there that should be released. How about starting with his birth certificate, then his school records, and while he is at it, how about how his schooling was paid for. But nooo those are vital secrets, those can't be released. Why? What is he hiding? If nothing, then produce them. I say if he wants to out the secrets of the CIA, and the FBI, he should out himself first. But good luck with that.If he was a Republican, the media would be all over it. Demanding it! But where is the media on this? The same place they have been for the last 2 years,in Obamas pocket.That is why papers are suffering, they don't report the news. If the media, just once would of reported the true background on Obama, Hillary Clinton would probably be president today.So shame on the all media that did not do their job.