Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are you kidding me today, the president wants to press charges against the people that have kept us safe for eight years?Just days ago, this wasn't an option, now today, after the wackos at moveon.org put pressure on him. If the man can't handle the heat from groups like moveon.org, how do we expect him to protect us? I 'll tell you how, he won't. This man bows to Saudi Arabia, almost french kisses the dictator Chavez.He is a weak man. When we get attacked again, it will be our fault some how. Because according to the prez, everything bad is because of the United States. He forgets, people around the world have freedom today, because of blood of Americans. What has he ever done for his country? I 'll tell you NOTHING!! Oh, I am sorry, he did something, he has made us unsafe. He releases papers on so called torture. But I call on the President there are more important papers out there that should be released. How about starting with his birth certificate, then his school records, and while he is at it, how about how his schooling was paid for. But nooo those are vital secrets, those can't be released. Why? What is he hiding? If nothing, then produce them. I say if he wants to out the secrets of the CIA, and the FBI, he should out himself first. But good luck with that.If he was a Republican, the media would be all over it. Demanding it! But where is the media on this? The same place they have been for the last 2 years,in Obamas pocket.That is why papers are suffering, they don't report the news. If the media, just once would of reported the true background on Obama, Hillary Clinton would probably be president today.So shame on the all media that did not do their job.

1 comment:

  1. What is wrong with this man??? MR OBAMA. I refuse to call him President. It seems all he knows how to do is travel and read tele-prompters. Maybe he is afraid to stay at the White House. He might learn something. Tie Nancy Pelosi's hands behind her back & she couldn't speak a word. Give me a break on the "water-boarding" issue. She knew about it. The media (except for Fox) is trying to completely pull the wool over our eyes. Maybe if they try to fill our heads with anti-Bush propanganda & news stories that are just "fluff" we won't worry about what a mess our country & economy is in. NOT! Thanks Tootsie for the blog site.
