Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wake Up America

Today as I was washing dishes, I had a epiphany about President Obama. I think Obama was a stooge or a tool that the good ole boys used to get him elected.You see, as he was running for President, the old boy network, media, and Hollywood were marketing this man.He had no executive experience,didn't accomplish much as a State Senator, or a Senator.He voted present more times than actually voted.If you looked at his qualifications on paper, you would think this is a joke,this person can never be president. But the marketing paid off, and guess what,we have President Obama.It was slick marketing, they only put out what they wanted seen and heard.The first African American, but in reality, he is half white. A Christian family man,but the fact is, the church he belonged to spewed hatred and racism.How he worked is way up , from meager means.Then to end up running for President of the United States.Sounds nice, but just a few things first. His Grandma worked hard to put him in prep school. He attended Occidental,Columbia Colleges,and Harvard Law. By the way, to this day, all records of Obama are sealed.His grades, writings, and more importantly, who financed his education. It might sound trivia to you, but who does he owe his gratitude too?These important questions need to be answered, just to see what direction he is leading us.He campaigned on change, but did people really question the change he was talking about? No, they didn't.If people really listened to him, to what he was really saying, he would of never won the election.The media turned this election into a movie.Every soundbite,handshake, and every look was orchestrated.The American people were played.Too lazy for themselves to really listen to what was coming out of his mouth. We were spoon fed, what the media wanted us to know.He campaigned on how he wanted to change America? Whats wrong with America? We are not perfect, but we are the next best thing.He wants to change the Constitution.Why?He wants to redistribute the wealth.Why? Because, he thinks we all should be on one level. But I am sorry, I don't work hard, so someone else can take and give to someone who doesn't work as hard.This is America, for Gods sake. We can be or do anything.Just follow your dreams. Hard work really pays off.For all the people out there, that say we don't pay enough in taxes, I say, fire your accountant, and file EZ Form .Give the government 60% or more of your check. Because I think the majority of Americans think they are entitled to their own money, and the government shouldn't be a silent partner in their lives.There are so many things on the horizon. America, wake up and take notice of what is happening.Once these changes are made, there won't be any turning back. Lets start with Cap and Trade, every household in this country, will pay between $2,000.-4.000 more per year.Don't you think your utilities are high enough now? Just wait. What about National Health Care Reform, sounds nice,but one thing. We can't afford it.His own budget office said, it will cost 1 trillion dollars, and still 35 million people won't be covered.Where will this money come from? Well they are throwing around the VAT tax. That is a national sales tax.What do you think this will do to businesses? People will only be able to afford the necessities.This will kill businesses across the board.Think about this, the lottery was established in some states so the proceeds would fund education.Well, we all know how that worked out.Remember how Obama campaigned that 95% of the people will get a tax break? Well it is more like 100% will be affected by this. Is this the change you were looking for? This is not a Republican or a Democrat issue, this is an American issue.We need to stand up and be heard.Our politicians don't care about us,whether they are Democrats or Republicans, all they care about is themselves and lining their pockets for their own good.Stand up America, call your politician and tell them you won't stand for anymore taxes. Enough is enough.Maybe if enough of us stood up, the politicians would get the message and do what they are paid to do:REPRESENT US.

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