Friday, May 29, 2009

What Is Happening???

I don't know what I should write about today,not because of the shortage of topics,on contrary, there are so many things to talk about.Is anyone afraid of the direction our country is headed? Well I am terrified. Unemployment keeps going up. People are still losing their homes everyday. North Korea and Iran keep testing us.Universal Health care that they want to shove down our throats, but in actuality will bankrupt America. President Obama nominated a Hispanic woman for the Supreme Court, and no one is to challenge her because she is a woman and a Hispanic. One question, are we not in this position today, because the media was afraid to challenge Obama on his past? And now they want to float around the VAT:value added tax.Well we all know anything with the word tax in it isn't good.
I don't know about any of you, but if something isn't done fast,unemployment is going to go in double digits.Does anyone remember Jimmy Carter? Well we are going to wish for those numbers.Stop raising taxes on the people who employee others. Cut their taxes,give tax breaks for keeping people on. Wouldn't that be cheaper than to pay their unemployment benefits which for sure will lead to welfare.American people want to work, quit taking the opportunities away.Isn't this the land of opportunity? It is going to look like the Obama land of welfare.Now universal health care is being shoved down our throats, like its the best thing since slice cheese.Yes I think we should all get health care,but we all know nothing is ever free.Free always has a way of having strings attached to it, and in this case, those strings are attached to the working population paying for this.I believe the American poor and unemployed are entitled to free health care, yes Americans. Not illegals, sorry. I have nothing against immigrants, my grandfather was an immigrant. He never asked for anything, came to this country,got his citizenship, worked hard and raised a family.If we can't afford our own citizens, what makes you think we can afford someone else responsibilities? Like my father always told me"money doesn't grow on trees". Its simple.There is only so much money, then it gone.It might seem harsh, but its reality.
Now the VAT:value added tax. Isn't this just dandy, another tax.This is a tax on top of what you already pay statewide.They would like it to be around 10%. In some places in this country you could pay around 20% when you purchase something.They say this will support the health care bill, is that anything like the lottery earnings will support education? And we all know how that worked out. I just have one thing to say to our government leaders, if you keep pursuing this nonsense,remember the Tea Parties on April 15. That won't be nothing,come July 4, there will be millions of American all across this land out on the streets.And any member of Congress or the Senate that is behind this, you will be gone. I guarantee you this. The American people are sick of the the political nonsense and games.We will take our country back, one politician at a time.

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