Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fishy? Washington is starting to smell like Russia.

How is it that when we start asking questions that concern ALL of us, the White House says we are acting fishy?What is fishy, is that politicians want to intimidate us not to ask questions.But I hate to disappoint them, the more they want me to keep quiet, the more I am going to speak out. What happened to our Freedom of Speech? Did we loose that on January 2oth?That's what it sure feels like.This administration is so coddled, and has been put on a pedestal by the main stream media,that when they hear any disagreements they go ballistic. So now the people of this Country are starting to wake up, and see what really is in store for them and they are frightened, and rightly so.We are speaking out by calling our Representatives, and attending town hall meeting, so our voices are heard. These Representatives work for us, but it seems they have forgotten. The majority of Americans don't want this health-care bill, but the politicians are dead set to forget our wishes.This bill is so bad from every angle, that the politicians want nothing to do with it. Sen. Coburn put an amendment that requires all lawmakers to enroll in the health plan if passed. Guess what? They voted against it.Why? Because they all know its a disaster on all levels.Why is it, that if you are on the left it is your Constitutional right to speak out, but if you are a Conservative,you are part of a mob? By the way we are not a mob, but a scared group of Americans watching are freedoms and liberties slowly going away.The Senators that are mocking these town hall meetings, did they not forget how President Obama got his start? The difference with us, we are civil, where as President Obama has used intimidation and fear to get what he wanted, and sorry to say his antics haven't changed.And to my Senator, Dick Durbin, I do not appreciate when you go on television and say we are a mob, and put together by the insurance industry. No, we are your constituents of Illinois, who pay you to represent us,not sell us out for you your own selfish greed.Senator Durbin,we all know how your accustomed to talking down the military, your very questionable stock trades,anti-American tirades, and typical Chicago thug politics.But for shits and giggles, listen to us, and hear us, quit being Obama's lap dog.I know it sounds like a crazy concept, but maybe once in your sorry career, you can put your job before power and your own selfish greed.You and your Washington cronies have awaken the sleeping monster, and now we are coming after all of you.We the grassroots of America are taking our Country back, the Country that we love so deeply.If politicians won't represent what we WANT, then we will find someone who will!

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