Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Disingenuous Chairman

Let me first begin with that I always liked Michael Steele, and I respected him.I thought he was a good choice for Chairman of the Republican party.I thought he was about change to the party, not the same change Obama campaigned on, thankfully.Change about bringing everyone into the party, not just the old boy network. He must be one heck of a politician, because he even had me buffaloed. He talks a good game, but don't they all? I should of known when he was talking on both sides of his mouth about Rush. I didn't put much stock in it at the time, and that was my mistake.But this past Monday, after hearing him on the radio, I have come to the conclusion, the old boy network is still working full force. How disappointing and more importantly disingenuous.Here in Illinois we have a Senate seat up for election in 2010, and the Republicans for the first time in a long time have a shot to get a Republican in there. These are trying times in our Country, and we need to be represented by someone who will represent us, and not for their own political gain.Our primary is February 2,2010, yet the Chairman said on the radio Monday that the party will come out in full force for Mark Kirk.He hasn't won the primary yet, or has he?Something doesn't smell right here in the state of Illinois, and I am looking for answers.Let me just tell you, Kirk isn't the only candidate, but I guess that is what my party wants us to believe. There are at lease 2 other candidates, Eric Wallace and Patrick Hughes, either one is a better choice than Kirk.Now, since I heard Michael Steele talk on Monday, I have been appalled with him and the Republican Party.I feel as an American citizen of this great Country they are taking away my most precious gift, the right to vote.If by chance Kirk is the Republican candidate, I want to be assured he won that process fairly, but not in a calculated way. Don't you think the other candidates are entitled to the same assurance, and more importantly the people of Illinois?When the Chairman of the Republican Party goes on TV and criticizes the Democrats pulling the wool over the American peoples eyes, exactly how does he explain what he is doing to the people of Illinois?I feel as a citizen of Illinois, and very concerned who will be my next Senator, I felt it was my duty to ask the Chairman himself. So I called Washington over and over again till I got a person, not an voice mail. I gave him my name, where in turn, he did not give his. I explained my displeasure in the Chairman with the whole radio conversation. He explained that Michael Steele feels that Mark Kirk is the best choice to win in Illinois.I said, well the people of Illinois feel differently,particularly since he voted YES to cap&trade.I told him about the outrage on the Internet against Kirk, and the talk at tea parties is that we WON"T vote for Kirk no matter what.I also explained to him, that before the cap&trade vote, we flooded his offices here and in Washington with calls, and the true politician he is,he voted against the peoples wishes.He voted for a bill he DIDN'T even read, and if this bill passes in the Senate, the people of Illinois will pay for his mistake.So I ask Michael Steele, and the rest of the Republican leadership,how can you assure the other candidates and the people of Illinois a fair campaign and election? How is this going to be fair to the other candidates, that the full force of the Republican Party, with their unlimited money and foot soldiers will be out against them? Please let democracy work. Let the people of Illinois decide who they want to represent them, not a backroom deal.If Kirk happens to win the primary fairly, then so be it. Then, and only then should the party get behind the nominee.Democracy does work, if you will just give it a chance.

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