Monday, February 1, 2010

Why We Must Defeat Mark Kirk

This coming Tuesday,February 2,is primary day here in Illinois.Primaries are usually a second thought,but this primary is quite important.The most important seat in this election I believe is for President Obamas Senate seat. We need someone who will look out for all the people of Illinois,not just the selected few.I believe our Country is in peril,so it is very important to get someone in there who will look out for us,but more importantly look out for the Constitution of the United States.

To my friends and family who find it hard to vote Republican,I urge you,no I beg of you to vote for Patrick Hughes for Senate.He is a family man,who believes in life,our 2ND amendment rights and more importantly,he believes in the Constitution.All these and more are being taken for granted by the politicians in Washington,both the Republicans and the Democrats. Patrick Hughes will beholden to us the people,not the dirty Illinois Republican Party or special interest groups.He will listen to the voters,not like Mark Kirk who turned his back on the people of Illinois. Mark Kirk knew his 10Th district and the rest off Illinois was against Cap&Trade,but his special interest friends wanted a Yes vote,and a Yes vote they got.As someone who worked the phones calling Kirk for 2 weeks to oppose this Bill,I know first hand the anger that was out there against this disastrous Bill.This Bill will raise our utility prices in our homes from $2,000.-4,000 more per year,there is a call for a Green Audit on every home before it can be sold,and it also calls for the government to install a device on our automobiles as they will charge a fee for the distance we travel. This is just a small snippet into this 1500 page Bill,a Bill Mark Kirk DID NOT READ, but did vote YES. Is this the kind of Senator you want? Who only listens to the special interest,and ignores the constituents he was sent to represent?

Mark Kirk voted that parents NOT be notified when their minor child is to have an abortion,but your child at school can not get an aspirin without a note from the parent. Where is the logic here?

With a Mark Kirk vote,is also a vote for the continue backroom political deals with a Party who forgot what Republicans stands for.We need to take the Party back from politicians like Kirk, who don't believe in small government,low taxes,life, and upholding the Constitution.Our Founders believed that politicians should be servants to the people,and not the other way around.

So on Tuesday,February 2ND, PLEASE vote for Patrick Hughes,a candidate for the people and also the ONLY candidate who will vote NO on Cap&Trade.

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