Monday, July 5, 2010


Yesterday was our Nations birthday.......and sadly 26% of this Country did not know that we fought Great Britain for our independence,how sad is this?This is the fault of our education system as well as families for not teaching these very important facts to their children.Growing up my Father always expressed how great this Country is,and how lucky we are to live in such a place.He stressed nothing is given to you,you want something,you should work hard to get it. But in today's logic,people are standing around waiting for a handout,and BELIEVE they are deserving of one.This same 26% that didn't know our history,I am sure are the same kind of people who voted for Barrack Obama as President, because it was the cool thing to do.........well how is that unemployment working out for that cool?We are a very privileged Country,and we have taken our liberties for granted for too long.We have become lazy where it is easier to stay on unemployment or go on welfare than to actually put down the remote, get off the couch and go look for a job.Yeah sure there are some who actually need help,but the great majority are content to be on some government assistance of some kind.

I feel bad for my friends and relatives who actually believed the the bull that candidate Obama spewed for over 2 years.These are educated people,but sadly,lazy educated people.I am talking about some who believed EVERYTHING that was spoon fed to them,instead of researching what he is saying,or just take a look at his prior bleak voting record.Here are just a few of the broken promises.
Friends around the globe-NO
No new taxes on anyone making under $200,000-NO
No Lobbyist-NO,matter of fact,record amount of lobbyist in this administration.
No Back Door Deals-kidding,this is Chicago style politics 101
Work with both sides of the aisle-NO
ALL Bills debated on CSPAN-just Health Care,BUT after some fighting for it
Bills to be posted on the Internet for 5 days before voting-3 days now after calling the Presidents bluff.
General Petraeus nominated by Pres.Bush-matter a fact re appointed by Pres Obama
Patriot Act-MORE intrusive than when Pres Bush was in office
Transforming America-SADLY YES
Transparency-HELL NO

These are just a few that candidate Obama promised,can you see why I feel bad for my friends and relatives? He said he wasn't a regular politician,that is why you should trust him.In actuality,he is worse.He is a typical Chicago politician,says one thing in front of the camera,and then does the exact opposite when the cameras are gone.He only became the Illinois Senator after playing very DIRTY CHICAGO STYLE POLITICS with some of the most corrupt in Illinois:Daley,Madigan,Mell,Axelrod,Rahm,Jarrett,and too many more to list.

We all heard of the Hope and Change mantra,but come on......HOPE? Vice President Biden just said this past week,"there is NO WAY we will be able to recoup the 8 million jobs lost." Where the hell is the Hope there? Presidents and their administration for years have said because we are Americans,we can do anything,this is the land of opportunity.That is why millions have come here, to live in the GREATEST Country in the world,and also to LIVE the American dream.This administration is good on crushing dreams,and slowing the entrepreneurial spirit.This Country was built on small businesses,but the Bills and legislation being passed have slowed growth in this Country to a snails pace.This administration has taken over auto companies, car dealerships,banks and a insurance company,with the excuse,"too big to fail."History and facts tell us,the less government in our lives,the better for the Country. The Health Care Bill that was passed with backroom deals,bribes and threats, and is nothing more than rationing of care and bankrupting the Country at the same time.Don't believe me,put down your people magazine,shut off Oprah, and read the Bill and the Facts. Facts are a crazy thing, they don't lie,but talking heads out of Washington do.Now this crazy energy Bill going around,changing its name every chance they get,but what doesn't change,is what is inside.If this Bill passes,no kidding,this will change America as we know and love it.This Bill reads like a scary science fiction novel......your government will control your electrical usage,with a special device they will install in your home......pretty crazy huh,well sadly it is in the Bill.Don't believe me,again read the Bill.

We have witnessed, to get a job or an appointment with this administration, you had to either have played basketball with the President, attended Harvard with him,or traveled in the same questionable circles in Chicago.Qualifications don't really matter,it is who you know, and that is the Chicago way.Qualifications?Hell,if he cared about qualifications,why does his economic recovery advisory group, only consist of 17% of any REAL business experience? Wouldn't it be nice to have people in there that have ran companies,and know what it is like to balance a business checkbook? Just saying,but then again,I didn't go to Harvard.This President has played political payback,instead of doing what is best for the Country since the day he took office.He appointed Harold Koh,a Harvard friend,to the State Department who believes we should govern at times by Sharia Law,no joke,but then again he nominated a woman,Elena Kagan,Chicago friend,who thinks the Constitution should change with the times.But then again Candidate Obama on local Chicago radio station said the same thing.I don't know about you,but 234 years the Constitution has served us well.This is just a sampling of the scary people in the White House and surround our president.Sounds crazy,Google his staff and his inner circle,and a scary science fiction movie might be to lenient,it is more of a horror story in the making.

I know politics is tough,and you need thick skin to last,thin skin people no need to apply,unless you are Barack Obama. The media has coddled him for 2 years during the campaign,and a year or so of his Presidency,and even talked about the thrill up their leg they have gotten.But no media outlet has the guts to question his appointments,numerous broken promises,and just pure lack of leadership.When a pundit does make a call,he or she is being called a racist,and not being fair.Sorry it isn't racism,it is someone asking an important question about the state of our Country,but that race card is getting really tiring,and some point the questions need to be answered.We were led to believe that we elected the smartest man to be in the White House,but this same man blames everyone else, but him,thinks the Statue of Liberty didn't come from France,and that we have 57 states, in the United States.The Christmas Day bombing incident,took him days to respond,the Gulf leak spill days to respond, but couldn't say who was actually in charged, because that changed on a daily basis,floods in Nashville,never responded,Arizona Law SB 1070, responded with false facts and propaganda.But this a President who never missed a round of golf,vacations, hobnobbing with the celebrity elite,or anything that doesn't actually have to do with governing.

Now we are all experiencing the Change he promised,and I have to tell you,it is scaring the crap out of me.We are not a perfect Country,but the next best thing.Our liberties and freedoms are being played with,and I don't like it.I don't like being told I MUST have health care and how much,or face possible jail time......I don't think that the government should mandate every house in this Country have certain kinds of windows,insulation,appliances,flooring before I can sell my home........I don't believe the government should be able to install a device to monitor my electric usage.......I don't believe the government should tell me what I could or could not is my body,but then again,it is ok to kill an unborn baby,but not ok to put that cheeseburger in my mouth........This isn't CHANGE,this is friggin Russia in the making!

This is the United States of America,and if you DON'T like what the Constitution,the Declaration of Independence and our Flag stand for,fell free to GET THE HELL OUT,and move to a Communist Country where you will feel more at home, and take your HOPE AND CHANGE with you!

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